Just like a classical main character moment in a very cliché kdrama, it was like everything faded away, immediately being lost in the males eyes, he couldn't help but stare and notice all of the details he hadn't noticed before.

How are your eyes so dull yet so light at the same time...?


Beomgyu snapped out of his daze AGAIN, instantly realizing the slight uncomfortable expression Taehyun had he squeaked and backed up, completely forgetting that he was on a stool and ended up falling backwards with a loud thud.

"Are you okay?" He heard Taehyun call out, but his mind was running all over the place like a carousel he couldn't even focus on the sharp pain on his bum and the slight judgmental stare from Taehyun.

What is going on? Get a grip of yourself, Beomgyu! He thought, exhaling softly and slowly stood up, wiping the imaginary dust off of his pants and looked up at the male across from him who stared at him in confusion. Quick! Think of something to say!

"Wow! Kang Taehyun! What are you doing here?"

really beomgyu.

The pink haired male just blinked at him, slowly squinting his eyes he tilted his head. "Did you... hit your head too hard?"

"Whaaaaaaat?" Beomgyu chuckled, dragging on his word awkwardly, scratching his head he strained a smile that obviously looked force.

"Are you?—"

"Where's Huening Kai? I swear he was right next to me!" Beomgyu interrupted the male from asking if he was okay again, he already embarrassed himself enough so he was definitely not going to continue.

"Club ended like ten minutes ago, you've been here just painting," The male paused, glancing over at the canvas Beomgyu was painting on. "Almost fifteen smiley faces on the canvas."

Beomgyu eyes widened in shock, glancing over at the clock, the male in front of him was right, club was officially over for the day. How far was he in his headspace to not even notice like four people leave the room excluding Taehyun?

"Well uh..." Taehyun spoke up, causing Beomgyu to look back at him. He noticed how the latter was awkwardly standing there, almost as if he were waiting for him to leave the club room. "You can leave, I'll just be here... cleaning..."

Talk about awkward. Beomgyu thought, shaking the odd thoughts that formed in his head away. Whatever came over him when the two of them were that close together was probably him being stressed because of the confession Soobin annouced, he just needed to go home and sleep... Right after homework...

He sighed and went over to the table to gather his supplies, glancing over at Taehyun he watched the male carefully clean some paint off of brushes and start to rearrange materials back into their rightful position. Something about the pink head made Beomgyu's stomach spark up with curiosity, he had never paid attention to the male in his classroom, and as rude as it sounds... he didn't even know he existed.

I guess I was so caught up with Yeonjun and Soobin I never noticed him, but it's reasonable though, he's very quiet.

Looking away, he walked over towards the door before freezing at the thought of Yeonjun. He had totally forgotten that he should really apologize to Taehyun about the rude comments the elder made on him.

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