ch 1; the prank with the smoke bomb

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Since Dr.Eggman is under the control of G.U.N, it's Shadow's responsibility to make sure the old doctor isn't doing anything shady.
So he needs to do unexpected visits where he would search through the whole damn building. Which takes hours!
Not only was it a pain in ass to be the assigned agent for Eggman's case... It was also a pain in the ass of having the doctor over the shoulder all the time.
There, the man keeps nagging him with a never-ending conversation.

Shadow was opening drawers and cabinets in a room while the former villain stood by the door with a pink cup in the hand. Enjoying hot tea while following Shadow's every step with the eyes. With a hint of mischief.

The hedgehog stands up on the toes to reach a cupboard a bit better.
Eggman startled him by chuckling while lowering the hand with the cup from the mouth.
"... I wouldn't open that one if I was you~..."
Shadow grunts confused, and lowers the heels while looking toward him by turning the head to the left.
"... Why not?" He mutters. Obviously annoyed by Eggman and his nonsense. The man hasn't left him alone since he came about three hours ago.
The talk was still ringing in the ears where Eggman talked in nonstop about his hobbies and free time.
Not only that!
How he kept slurping when he swallowed tea made him nuts!
So, he only wanted to get the task done and get out of here.

Eggman smiles and shrugs.
"... I just wouldn't... But alright -... If you don't trust me, go ahead and open that cabinet, and find out yourself..."
Shadow gives him a nasty glare with a low growl.
It's enough with games now... And no way he would let the man win by not opening that cupboard.
So-... He would open it and then leave without checking the rest of the building.
It's not as the headquarters would find out if he only checked around 85% or did a clear checkup.

The hedgehog scoffs and turns the face back, where he stands up on the toes again.
Then he starts opening the cabinet while Eggman starts smirking with the pink cup in front of the lips.
Shadow starts leaning forward to get a peek inside the cabinet while he is fully opening the door.
Out of nowhere, something as a pink smoke bomb exploded on his face.
In shock, he inhales deeply, where the pink smoke reaches his lungs.
The bewildered hedgehog lets go of the door to the cabinet and flinches away, where he starts coughing loudly. The lungs are burning as fire. At least it feels like that.

Eggman laughs over the sight.
" HoHo-... I told you-... I wouldn't open that cabinet if I were you... Didn't I?" He chuckles loudly where the belly keeps bouncing during the laughter.

Shadow leans forward with the body against the laughing man.
The hands were on the knees while he still coughed where the damn flour alike thing kept coming out from the mouth for each cough.
The longer fur on the chest was more pink than white now, and most part of the upper body at the front was covered in pink.
Shadow's coughing starts fading away, and he starts blinking a few times to get the dust out from the eyes.

A few seconds later, Shadow grits the teeth with a low growling while glaring at the man whose laughter finally starts decreasing.
Shadow flinches upright where he crosses the arms.
" ALRIGHT-..." he growls and startles the other where the last laugh halted.
"... We are done today. And except your little prank here... I haven't found anything suspicious... So... You are off the hook today..." he adds.

Eggman grunts confused, and raises an eyebrow.
"Done?-... But you haven't searched every room yet... I might even have new suspicious 'toys' in the bedroom, you should get a look at..." he teases.
Shadow stiffened, where disgust and anger got mixed.
The hedgehog makes a short retching sound.
"... Ew-... There's no need for that... We are done..." he huffed with a grimace and teleported out from the building.


A few seconds later, Shadow arrived at home, in front of the mirror in the restroom where he heavily leaned over the sink with the hands on its counter.
"Damn him-... Next time, I will send Rouge instead... It's not fair if I always get the dirty work when we both are assigned to his case..." he mutters and glances up at the mirror.
The reflection of himself wasn't a pleasant sight.
It looks as if he has joined a color run where the runners get attacked with colors along the road.
" Fuck-..." he growls and flinches away from the mirror where he starts undressing.
Which only takes a short time due it was only gloves, socks, shoes, and the rings around the wrists.

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