"I don't have much time since they'll be coming over any minute." She chuckled, glancing at the time on her phone.

I laughed again and laid back in the hammock, thinking over the interaction she would have with the two. My thoughts drifted to the two men in my life before I pushed them away, not wanting to think about them while I spent my time with Kiara.

"Are you going to the drive-in movie tonight?" She questioned, sipping on her drink.

"I didn't know there was one tonight." I responded, not recalling anything about the mention of a drive-in.

"Well, you can go with us if you'd like. The guys won't mind." She suggested, to which I agreed and made a note to text Topper to tell him the news.

A van pulled up on the other side of the white picket fence and out came the three pogues. Kiara had told me her parents hated her friends due to them being a part of the other side of the Island and always wreaking havoc but since her parents weren't there today, she'd invited them over for lunch.

Kiara didn't move from her spot in the hammock beside me and waited until the three entered through the gate and came trudging into the backyard to greet them with a smile.

I watched the lingering eyes JJ sent her way but other than that, I didn't see anything from Pope.

"It's nice to see you again, Lane. I'm glad we can finally hang out." John B greeted me with a small smile and a nod of his head as he sat in a chair a few feet from Kiara and I's hammock.

"You as well, JB." I stayed, turning to the other two and waving a hand toward them.

"Hola, Miller. I've wondered when I'd get to see you again. Kiara here doesn't like to share her other friends with us." He sent Kiara a pout and she rolled her eyes in reply before she chuckled.

"That's a shame, I find myself quite wonderful at times." I sent Kiara a pointed look and she held her hands up in defense.

The five of us spent the rest of the late afternoon making jokes and eating until we got into the van and headed to the park where the drive-in was taking place.

Texting Topper, he informed me that the three of them would be coming as well and to come over after I arrived, to which I responded with an okay and see you then.

A blunt was passed around the van but I took no part in it, not wanting to experience the action of smoking like I did in high school. My high school memories were not something I often liked to think about due to the horrible habits that I took part in.

After we got there, we walked around the place and they decided on a spot to stay before I bid them goodbye and went to find my own friends. Looking across the park, above the many heads, I saw the tall man lurking by his black truck.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself as I made my way over to them, catching sight of Topper and Sarah holding onto each other.

"Have room for one more?" I questioned as I stood behind them all, catching their smiles as they turned to see me.

"Of course." Sarah beamed, grinning excitedly since she hadn't seen me in a few days.

I took a seat on Rafe's tailgate next to him, my legs crossed and my back leaned against the side of the truck. He smiled down at me and furrowed his eyebrows, "You smell like weed."

"The pogues were smoking a blunt in their van. Trust me, I gladly rejected it." I chuckled, eyeing his outfit. He was wearing a dark blue button-up and white shorts, a backward hat adorning his head.

"Did you have fun with Kiara today?" He asked, looking around until he spotted the pogues a few feet away in the crowd.

"Yeah, we caught up and sat around all day. I missed you and the two lovebirds." I jutted my chin at the two holding each other, grins spread across their lips.

"I missed you too. I've been stuck around them the past couple of days and I've resisted from texting you to come over so I wouldn't have to endure the weird looks they've shared." He sighed, whispering so the pair wouldn't hear.

"It's already gotten to that point, hmm?" I hummed, shaking my head in fake disbelief. "You could've texted me, you know. I would've left my mother and come over to help you do whatever you were doing to your truck."

"I know, but I realized you were probably sick of seeing my handsome face every day so I gave you a break." He teased, gesturing for me to move back to the bed of the truck.

I followed and sat beside him, my head resting on the window. I pulled my legs up and fiddled with my fingers while we waited for the movie to start.

"I wonder which one is bigger, your ego or your cockiness?" I taunted, thinking to myself as he stared at me.

"I question it every day." He smirked, earning a jab to his ribs from my elbow afterward.

Soon, the movie began and I hated to admit that my focus was on anything but the movie screen. My eyes were out of focus as I thought about random things that had happened in the past few days.

An hour had gone by and Rafe's arm had snuck its way around my shoulders, pulling me into his side as he leaned his head down to my ear. "What are you thinking about so heavily?"

I looked around at everyone staring at the movie before I shrugged. "Things," I whispered.

He only nodded and kept his eyes on mine, "Are you ready for midsummers this weekend?"

"More than ready." I smiled, lying my head on his shoulder and letting out a sigh.

"Are you tired?" He questioned, noticing the way my eyes closed. I hummed and he nodded, pulling me closer into him and kissing my temple.

Rafe looked away from Lane and somehow connected his stare with the one person he hated. Cassian was sitting in a chair amongst the crowd, his eyes on them as Rafe pulled Lane closer. He narrowed his eyes at Cassian before looking away, remembering what Lane had told him about Cassian asking her to be his date for midsummers.

He knew it was childish to feel accomplishment for wanting her to go with him instead of Cassian but he didn't care. If he had to fight for the girl he loved ever since he was a little boy, he would, no matter the cost.

Short filler chapter because of what's about to come next. Honestly, I've been so detached to this book that I hate editing it now. I just hope it's good for you guys because I know you show your support no matter what.

—Love you all!!<33

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