The Element Dragons- chapter 1

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A/N this story is based off a game I made and my love for fantasy stories. My sisters are real people to but I changed the names.

        The night was dark and cold. Rain poured down making me soaking wet, and lightning flashed across the sky in jagged streaks. I was running, ignoring the storm  raging around me.  I had to find a safe place to spend the night. The freezing wind made my eyes sting and my long hair billow out from my hood which had blown off long ago. The wind was howling around me making ominous noises. On one side of me the ocean was crashing violently, battering the beach. I could smell the saltwater in the air and sand blew into my eyes making it hard to see.
        I scanned the area for a cave  big enough for me to take shelter. It was hard to see because of the sand in my eyes. Finally I spotted a cave that might be big enough. It was about a stones throw away. I immediately sped up. The cave was a few feet off the ground, but  not to high. I could fit comfortably.
      For the  last month, the weather had been going crazy. The magical dragons that controlled the elements had gone into chaos. Harmony, the  dragon who keeps them at peace had gone missing. Me, and my sister Anna, were a part of a secret organization that watched over them and kept them under control. I had been helping with a search and rescue after a hurricane and had gotten caught in a storm trying to get back to the base. Anna was at the base probably waiting for me, but not was going to have to wait out the storm overnight. At least I knew that she would be safe. I shook my self out of my thoughts, I had to focus.  The wind fought against me blowing my cloak, but a few minutes later later I climbed into the cave. The cave was small and dark. I tried to look for danger or other critters and found nothing. It was damp but the rain was falling in the other  direction so it was relatively dry. I was cold and wet and had to bundle up in my cloak to keep warm.
       I sat in the cave thinking about the mission. The walls were hard and jagged. It was a cave. I don't know what I was expecting. I was really worried about Anna this  was her first mission. She had never tamed dragons. She could get hurt. I could get hurt. What would she do then? Even if Anna was only a few years younger than me, I still worried. I thought of my other sister, Emma and my mom and dad. Emma was only 7 years old. They got to live in the base as a show of appreciation to me and Anna. So at least I didn't have to worry about them being safe. Finally after what seemed like an eternity of tossing and turning I drifted off to sleep.

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