Dionysia flushed. How was she to describe it? The kiss was, in her own words, "Remarkable," she found herself saying, "He has such soft lips. But I swear it was the magic of the moment that compelled us to do so." Drusilla paused before continuing, "We were talking about Artemis and Apollo."

"The Olympian twins?" Clarice asked.

Dionysia nodded, "And then we got on about talking about each other. Do you know Lady Delilah Phillips?"

"That's the younger sister of Lord Rothsbey. I saw her at Lady Creston's ball." said Clarice, "He also has a twin sister named Dalia, who recently married the Earl of Greenchurch."

"He's also the only son of the Duke and Duchess of Cravern," added Drusilla

"And soon he'll become the duke," said Clarice. She smiled at Drusilla and said, "Pray, Dione, are you interested in him?"

"Of course not," said Dionysia, "The only man I'm interested in is the Duke of Hartwell."

Clarice frowned, "Shouldn't you allow other men to court you? It's not healthy to only pin for His Grace."

Dionysia was morally offended, "I'm not pinning for His Grace, and I just want to marry the man I love."

Clarice sadly shook her head, "I don't think you know the true meaning of love."

"Oh and you do?" Dionysia couldn't help but feel irritated.

Clarice smiled, weakly, "I may not have fallen in love, but I know the difference between an infatuation and love. And what you feel towards His is more infatuation than love."

Dionysia wanted to deny, wanted to scream at Clarice that she had no right, but she knew that Clarice was honest without a fault.

"And tell me," said Dionysia, "what is love?"

"Love," said Clarice, "Is when you see a person for their flaws. When you accept the imperfections and view them as perfections. Love is when the one you love means more to you then yourself. When the word ' I love you' holds a powerful effect on your heart."

"Oh Clarice," sighed Dionysia, "How I wish I was wise as you."

Clarice smiled, "My dear, I'm only a keen observer. Wisdom is a different thing entirely."

"So explain to me how your middle name Sophia does not fit into your character?"

"And here I thought it was because my mother named me after my grandmother."

"Well we all know that," said Dionysia, "How your mother name you after her Russian mother, Sophia Grand Duchess of Petersburg. But sometimes names can give to a person's character."

"Nyet," said Clarice, "I don't think so."

Dionysia nodded, "It does."

It was then, that two girls passed them, and said, "She is a bit lovesick, Miss Dionysus. I saw her pin pathetically at His Grace."

Dionysia snapped and turned to see a blonde and a redhead huddled together, peeping glances and laughing. Great, it was the spoiled Lady Arabella Downs and her equally spoiled mean-spirited, Lady Grace Browns

"Ignore them," said Clarice, "They are only jealous that His Grace hardly even knows they exist."

"Miss Dionysus," called out Lady Arabella, "How is that you are pinning persistently for His Grace? My mother says that any girl does so is desperate. Are you desperate for him? If you are desperate you can always become his mistress."

Lady Grace laughed, and Dionysia felt her anger boiling her blood. She wanted to strike Lady Arabella's face, for all the venom she spat out she deserved it.

Secret Desires of A Marquess (Secret Desires #1) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now