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Diego and five have been fighting recently. Something about me. But, its not abnormal. I'm always the cause of something bad around here. Vanya accused me of kissing sissy, but I'm straight. And Luther, he told me that I'm a horrible "sister" and I should've killed myself a long time before I met five. That's been sticking with me because before I met five I was actually cutting myself and almost tried to end myself. Klaus has been away for a while now. He hasn't contacted me since last year, but he calls everyone else nearly every day. Diego walks into my room. I get startled because nobody ever comes in here exept five. "Hey Diego.." he closes my door and sits in my bed. "Y/n" he stopped mid sentence. "Diego, what do you want? I'm really down right now and I just want to be alone-" I see a tear stream down his face.
I get worried. "Diego, what is wrong?" No reply... "Diego!! What is wrong?!!" No reply again.
"Diego!! Tell me what the fuck-"
"It's five"
He doesn't need to explain more. The look on his face says it all.
I start screaming and crying.
"No! No! No!! This, he, no!!"
He hugs me. "Y/n, I'm sorry..."
I can't stop crying. I can barely breath. Diego wipes the few tears off his face. "The funeral is tomorrow"
how can he not... Care!?
"He can't be dead! This, this is a nightmare!" I continuously punch my upper leg.
"No!!! No!! No! No..."
I finally except that he's gone. My one true love, he's gone. He has been through... Everything,  with me. I'm not going to be able to function without him. I just lay in bed the rest of the day. Nobody comes in to check on me. For all they know I could've killed myself. That would make Luther happy...
Five is all I can think about for the rest of the day. Night falls and I cannot get even one minute of sleep. My eyes won't close. My brain won't stop running the thought of being alone through my head over and over. I end up falling asleep at around 5 am, only to be woken up the next hour. "What the fuck do you want?!" I shout at Luther. "Do you want to see your boyfriend or not? Bitch" I look at Luther. My eyes red from crying all night. "Oh now you fucking care about me! Huh?! Is that the deal?! And, since when have you fucking cursed?!" Luther just leaves the room. I bury my face in my pillows and start crying.
"What the fuck did I do to deserve this?! Huh you fucking asshole?! Some god you are. Taking away my only will to fucking live. Fucking fucked up bastard!" I don't even get changed out of my PJs, or even do my makeup. I just walk outside. The moment I see the coffin I try to run back inside, but Luther stops me. Without speaking a word I stand by his coffin. They couldn't have at least creamated him like they did Reginald? I hold back more tears as I just stare at his grave. After three minutes everyone but me leaves. I loose it and drop to the ground in tears.
"You didn't have to leave me now! I love you five!"
I feel somebody touch my shoulders. I turn around only to see.... Five.
"Five!" I scream and jump up to try and hug him, but I was only imagining him. I storm inside and into my room, shoving through Vanya and Klaus.
"Fuck them. Fuck life" I storm into my bathroom and pick up the blade behind my mirror. Luther tries to open the door but it's locked. "Go away!"
He stops. "I need to use the bathroom!" I cut myself once. "I'm going to see five..." I speak quietly. "What?" Luther yells. As I cut myself two more times I scream, "in going to see five!" Luther just walks away. I told you he wouldn't care if I killed myself. I move from my thighs to my wrists and cut three times. "God five, did you have to do this?" I cry out in tears as I black out. Someone runs to my bathroom. "y/n?" They try to open the door. I can't recognize the voice, it's raspy. "Y/n?!" They get the door open and run to my body. My eyes are half open. It's five. I recognize him from his tiny little shorts. I chuckle. "Well, I guess that was a quick death..." I try to get up only for five to say, "y/n!" His voice fades away.
I wasn't dead yet! Five was alive! No! So I'm not going to see him...
My eyes slowly open. I'm in a hospital bed. I turn my head to the right, nothing. I turn my head to the left, five. I grunt in pain. Five jolts up to me. "Doctor! Nurse! Someone!!" He grabs my face. "It's gonna be ok, I promise"
His voice cracks as tears drop from his face.
Will everything actually be OK?
Or am I going to die? For real this time....
A hundred needles get stuck into my arms, I'm awake but I can't move. "F-five?" I slowly grunt. He jumps up and hold my hand.
"Yea baby. It's me..." He starts crying. I look at my monitor. My heart is pumping SUPER slow. That's all I know how to read.
"Where am I?" I lift up my arm. "Your at the hospital... Do you feel ok?" I pull off my breathing mask and look at him. I start crying. "I'm sorry. In selfish. I shouldn't have ever tried to do something like-" he stops me.
"Your not selfish and I still love you. Ok?" He starts crying more. "Five!" I jolt up and hug him. He looks confused but then hugs me back.
"Yea... Its me baby... Are you sure your ok?"
"I thought you were dead! We had your funeral and- and that's why I tried to..." He looks me in the eyes. "I'm ok. And you will be to. Just tell me everything..." He sits on the bed. I tell him the whole story. "Babe, I never died. I'm ok.." Ben walk into the room. I jump. "Ben!" Five turns around. "baby... There's nobody, back there..." He looks very concerned.
"Babe! It's Ben! He's... Right..."
Ben starts crying.
"Ben? Are you ok?"
Five starts getting really concerned and starts reading all of the IV bags.
Ben looks at five, then back at me. "Y/n, I'm still.... Dead" I stare at five, horrified. "babe, is everything ok? I'm getting Klaus.." he leaves the room.
"Ben I'm not one of you guys..."
"You died. But, your back now, so you can see me... I guess..."
"But Luther-"
"Listen, y/n, I don't know what's happening either" Klaus walks into the room. "Oh, hey guys!" I look at Klaus. "Klaus! I can see ben! I can fucking see ben!" Klaus looks at me. Prove it. Ben talks to klaus. "Luther sniffs dad's underwear, Luther sniffs dad's underwear.." I look at Klaus. "Luther sniffs dad's underwear... Eww what the actual fuck..."
Klaus starts jumping and screaming.
"You can see ben! Who hoo!"
Five is totally lost. I stare at the doorway. "Hey Lila!" Lila looks at me confused. As so does five, klaus and ben. Five kneels next to me.. "y/n, you know how you used to be best friends with lila?"
I nod confused. "Y/n, she died while you were under..." I start crying. "Don't do this to me, five. No. Your joking... No." Lila hugs me and starts crying. "yes, y/n. I'm dead to..."

Wow!! I was just making this story as I write it, but damn this came out good... What kind of story should I write next? Continuing of this story, ofc. Fluffy, sad, smut, whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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