Paparazzi: Brandon! Brandon!
*he pauses the music*
Brandon: hey whats up?
Paparazzi: so when's the new music coming out?
Brandon: soon we're currently working on it now
Paparazzi: what are you doing over here?
Brandon: look i have to go I'll see y'all soon
Paparazzi: come on tell us what are you doing?
Brandon: I just came to uhm...
*you walked out looking down on your phone*
Brandon: I came to see my girlfriend
*he pulls you closer & gives you a long kiss*
Paparazzi: and who's this beautiful woman?
Brandon: look we really can't stop right now so if you'll excuse us we have somewhere to go

I took the stranger's key from her hand and unlocked her car. I opened her passenger's door and took her bag to put it in the back. I could tell she was in shock on what happened. She didn't say anything. I got into the driver side and started driving towards my house. At a red light, she screams so loud everyone outside the car looked at us.

Y/N: what the fuck?! Who are you? Why you kiss me? Why are you in my car? What the fuck is happening?!
Brandon: I'm sorry I'm sorry okay?
Y/N: you're sorry? you're basically stealing my car and kidnapping me
Brandon: I just need to escape from them that's all
Y/N: why didn't you leave like everyone else does?
Brandon: I know I just don't know what went over me, okay? We're probably not gonna see each other again anyways
Y/N: you're right can you just pull over and get out of my car
Brandon: look we're 5 minutes away from my house and we won't see each other again
Y/N: okay
*5 minutes later*
Brandon: this is me
*he parks the car*
Y/N: okay now out
*you both got down*
Brandon: can i get a name at least?
Y/N: you get a name before the first kiss not after
*you walked over to the driver's side*
Y/N: Y/N Mendez Hernandez

She gets in her car and drives away before I could say my name. I really do hope I get to see her again. I walked in the house and noticed that the boys were standing in front of me with their jaw dropping.

1 I thought you went for a walk
3: to get inspiration
Brandon: I did go for a walk
4: to that hot girl?
Brandon: no i bumped into her on my way to check out a dance studio and paparazzi was right there...
*he sits on the couch*
Brandon: and i needed a way to get away from them so I pulled her into a kiss and got in her car and we drove here
2: well did you get her number?
Brandon: no Nick I just got her name
4: well what's her name?
Brandon: why do you need to know her name Zion?
3: we just want to know so we can thank her for saving you
Brandon: well I should be the one thanking her Edwin
Nick: so you're not gonna tell us?
Brandon: no now come on I got a good song in mind
*they start walking toward their studio*
1: let's go
Zion: Austin convince him to tell us
Austin: why me?
Edwin: you're the oldest
Austin: well maybe he'll tell us later
Brandon: thank you
*they all sighed & walked out of the room*
Austin: what's her name?
Brandon: I'm not gonna say
Austin: come on I know you want to
Brandon; fine her name is Y/N Mendez Hernandez
*the boys walked in*
Edwin: yes another one that speaks Spanish
*Brandon covers his face with his hands*
Zion: you should invite her over
Brandon: how? I just have her name that's it now let's focus on making music before the beanz start going wild

Your POV:

I drove away being a bit mad at what this stranger did. Without even knowing, I made it to my place. I just hope I don't see him anymore. I mean It's LA it's big so I might not. I beeped for Angiee to come out and seconds later she comes running to the car almost falling.

*she opens the door as you're laughing*
Angiee: okay it's not that funny
Y/N: yes it is you almost ate shit
*she gets in & you start to drive away*
Y/N: why were you running?
Angiee: because we're hella late duh
Y/N: oh right sorry something happened
Angiee: was it bad? Tell me
Y/N: well if a stranger coming up to me and kissed me and then he gets in the car to drive to his house then yeah it was bad
Angiee: wait what? A guy just got in the car? Why he kissed you?
Y/N: I don't know all I know is he said girlfriend then Kissed me without warning or anything
Angiee: well was he cute?
Y/N: yeah I guess
Angiee: hope you see him again what if he's the love of your life
Y/N: I doubt it
Angiee: come on you need to put yourself out there
Y/N: yeah just not right now
Angiee: whatever
*you guys got to Nezza's venue*
Angiee: you think he has a cute friend?
Y/N: really?
*you got off & got your things*
Angiee: what?

I started to walk inside the venue and got our VIP passes. We went to the greenroom and thankfully Nezza was still doing soundcheck. Luckily Nezza got a shower in the venue. I quickly washed my body and did my hair *swipe to see*.

Y/N: we had time to get coffee
Angiee: yeah we would have more time to get food too
Y/N: yeah if that stranger didn't put his lips on mine
*you started to do your makeup*
Angiee: did you even get his name?
Y/N: why would I?
Angiee: just so I can search him up and see what he looks like
Y/N: well I didn't get his name and plus I probably won't even see him
Angiee: oh come on Y/N well can you at least describe him
Y/N: not really
Angiee: did you not get a good look at him or what?
Y/N: well I was shocked at first and I was rushing to pick you up to look at him good
Angiee: unbelievable
*she crossed her arms looking mad as Nezza walks in*
Nezza: what's up with you, Angiee?
Angiee: your sister got a kissed by a stranger and she didn't get a name and she can't describe him
Nezza: what the...
*she looks at you*
Nezza: you got kissed by a stranger? How did it happen?
Y/N: yes I did I just walked out of the studio while looking at my phone and the word girlfriend was thrown out and lips were on mine then my ass was on the passenger seat
Nezza: did he explain why he did it?
Y/N: all he said was he wanted to get away from the paparazzis and that was the only thing that went through his mind
Nezza: well maybe you'll see him again
Angiee: and imma be there when it happens
Y/N: well I don't think imma be there because I'm never gonna see him anywhere now let me finish getting ready

A few minutes later.

I finished doing my makeup and changed into my outfit *swipe to see*. Angiee and I are gonna be Nezza's photographer and videographer. Angiee of course is being the photographer and imma be the videographer but we are taking turns just in case we get tired.

After the show.

After the show, we went to a club and celebrated Nezza's show. Well mostly because her friends hired someone to decorate a YouTuber's house, Sam and Colby, since they live in Vegas they're letting us borrow their mansion here in LA. The club is mainly her distraction. We took a few shots and started to dance amongst each other.  


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