you could be the quote

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Ike couldn't believe his eyes. The most beautiful girl ever was present in front of his eyes. He blinked not once but thrice to check if he was only hallucinating about her.

A loud familiar laugh made him snap out of his daydream. He saw his blonde friend with the new girl walking together side by side, chatting and laughing as if they are very close.

Ike bit his lower lip. It has only been a few minutes seen he laid his eyes on her but this familiar feeling when he reads those cliche romance books were present. He was already in love.

A hand rested on his shoulder. "You okay there, Ikey?" The said man flinched, almost dropping three of his books. "V-Vox! You scared the bajeezus out of me!"

"Whoops, sorry about that." Vox noticed the girl Luca was with. "Who's the hottie?" He casually asks with crossed arms.

Ike frowned at his behaviour. "I don't know her name. Shall we ask Luca?"

"Nah, the jock's scary as hell. I do not want to be with a scary goofball." The brit shook his head side to side.

Ike sighs. "Luca's my friend.."

"Oh shit, really?" Vox asked, receiving a nod from Ike. "I can introduce you both-"

"I want to get to know the cutie."

"Not her, I don't know her. I can introduce you to Luca though!"

Vox couldn't believe his heart right now. He placed the back of his hand onto Ike's forehead. "Holy shit, you are in heat."

Ike glared at the tall raven. "I meant your temperature- ahem." Vox corrected himself to avoid any future anger from the shorter male.

The swede rolled his eyes. "Look, how about we just go to them now?"

"Hell no, I told you I'm scared of that blonde bimbo. I heard rumours!"

The ravenette's statement made Ike crossed his arms. "Please? He's my friend!" Ike begged.

"If you say it like that, sure." Ike smiled, dragging the taller male to his blonde friend. "Hi, Luca!" He greeted his friend.

The person besides Luca jolted in surprised and hid behind him. "Hey Ike! Vox. This is my cousin, Y/n! She's new so I'm showing her around before class starts."

"Oh, welcome to the campus!" Ike said only earning a thank you nod from the shy girl.

Luca looked around the building, there's less students now. "Can you show me your schedule again, Y/n?" The brunette did as told, Luca smiled ear to ear.

"Lucky you, Ike! You're in all of Y/n's classes!"

"You take literature?" Ike was in awe. Not that many students take that class as it was seen boring or uninteresting.

Y/n nodded, pushing up her glasses that was slipping off her face. "It's the only thing I'm good at.."

"Do you write?"

"Y-Yes.. I do," With this piece of information, Ike immediately knew that she was his soulmate. "I write too!"

As it was time for class, Ike brought Y/n to their first class leaving his ravenette friend and blonde friend alone together.

"So.." Vox started.

Luca scoffs, rolling his eyes. "I have a boyfriend."

Vox was offended. "Rude, I was just trying to start a conversation. Hmph."

° • ~

"This is Fulgur, he's a junior."

The white haired male raised his glasses up and smiled. "Hello, senpai!"

Hearing the formality used, Y/n blushed. "Please just call me Y/n,"

As the two take their seats, Ike was in the middle between Y/n and Fulgur. Although he prefers the front of the class, he decided to sit in the middle row where it's not too hard for him to read if he forgot his glasses.

In the corner of his eyes, Ike sees how passionate Y/n is with the subject literature. She seemed so focused and immersed, not caring about those around her.

Perhaps he should stick by her.

° • ~

"You're what?!" Luca cried loudly.

Y/n pulled her cousin down, shushing him and giving everyone around them an apologetic look. "Is something wrong with your friend dating your cousin, Luca?" Ike questioned.

"N-No! I was just surprised!" Luca turned to his brunette cousin and grinned widely. "I'm happy for you!" He gave her a big bear hug, Y/n returning it.

"I'm glad you accept it." Ike smiled.

"I don’t."

Luca, Ike and Y/n turned to the complainer. With an annoyed look from Luca, a disappointed look from Ike and a confused one from Y/n, Vox looked at the three with a questioning look.


Ike rolls his eyes, knowing why the raventte was acting like this. Vox had had feelings for both him and Y/n.

"Be happy for them." Luca said harshly.

Vox bit his lower lip, a forced smile plastered on his face. "Congratulations, you two!" Although it was not genuine, Y/n thanked him.

Luca talked to his brunette cousin about her love life (even though Ike was there, he preferred to talk to Y/n) and how they gotten to the point of dating.

"I can't believe you're dating a hottie," Vox said to his Swedish friend. "I'm fucking jealous, Ikey. I wonder what Mysta has to say.."

"You're being dramatic. You know very well you can get other suiting people easily." Ike patted Vox's shoulder. "Besides, you're the voice prince! Everyone loves your voice,"

Vox got quiet, seeming as he doesn't know what to say. "Do you like it too..?" He quietly asks Ike, a tint of glowing hope in his eyes.

"Of course I do. You just want me to say it," Ike shook his head. He then turned his focus to the cousin duo, he smiled at the scene.

Luca was teasing her for all the future things she would do with her lover, it indicates how close they are to each other.

Ike's smile faltered.

Maybe a bit too close.

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A/n: First overprotective Sonny, then loyal Luca and now obsessive Ike???

Btw I wanted every characters to be different than their own self. Think of it as some "parallel universe" stuff.

You could tell by Nerd Fu-chan and harsh Luca but in other stories they're different characters.

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