The Beggining...

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It was 4:00 AM, and the alarms rang outside of the facility as we all woke up. Jumping from our creeky floor beds, speeding to the bottom to get dresses and ready for training.

The alarms stopped soon well after our groups had made it out of each facility. We lined up and made our ways to the training grounds per usual as we did every day. But today was something special. Today was the day we would all pass into special forces. At least that's what we all thought...

12:45 PM,

As we were all lined up from all different facilities and all waited for our names to be called, there wasn't any other names called besides mine.

We were all astonished, but I managed to make my way up there.

As there were many people in the crowd whispering, a couple of people from my own facility were clapping for me. I flashed a smile as I made my way to the stage. I bowed, greeting the special force recruiters.

1:17 PM,

As the ceremony finished, I made my way back to the seats where my facility was.

Everyone in my facility section had lined up and was ready to go back to our facility.

The general had pulled me aside to congratulate me,

"Congratulations Y/n, soon enough you'll be a trainee, and then actually be in special forces. But since you've gotten excepted in, I suggest you go pack your stuff."

I bowed and thanked him, as I rushed off with the rest of my comrades and made our way back. I walked to my bunk and started to pack all of my stuff.

"What're you doing Y/n?"

My friend asked as I zipped up my bag,

"Since I got accepted in at the ceremony, I have to pack and get ready for it."

"Jesus Y/n, of course you did more than what you needed to, you worked hard to get to where you are now. Promise you'll come back alright? I don't wanna be alone here!"

"I promise!! Once we both finish, I swear we should meet up after this!"

I turned around to hug her, but she hugged me from behind already.

"Incase I get stationed somewhere and don't come back, have this!"

As she handed me a bracelet similar to her own,

"Did you make these?" I asked, as she smiled at me,

"I did indeed!"

I turned around to hug her,

"Mannnn I'm gonna miss you the most, you and our Sargent were the only ones who clapped, thank you."

She smiled and hugged me back, putting the now matching bracelet on my wrist.

2:33 AM,

I had sat there on my bed as I pondered when I would leave in the morning,

3:00 AM, I had finally left before the alarms, and made it out the door to the general area. I waited there until 7:00 AM.

There was a bus that came to get me from the place. As I gathered my bag on the bus there were many people from other forces there, they stared me down except for one person.

I sat next to her, she turned her head and flashed a smile.

I smiled back as everyone went back to staring at each other. I grabbed a pen and a notebook from my bag, and started to write,

"I'm Y/n L/n, what's yours??"

She giggled, and took the pen and paper and started to write.

"I'm Hanrim Im, nice to meet you :)"

As I took the pen to write,

"Your name is so pretty!"

We both broke out into a silent laughter,

She wrote back,

"Thanks, you have a pretty name too!"

I thanked her,

The whole way there we wrote back to each other, until the bus stopped at 4:27 PM.

It took forever to get settled in the special forces, but it was a start somewhere.

As soon as we got settled into our rooms, I heard a knock come from the door. It was Hanrim. She happened to be our roommate along with two other girls.

She placed her bags on her bed, as she went over and sat next to me. We had a good conversation as the other girls had left the room to do other things.

I didn't know how close me and Hanrim would get over our times there, we both worked harder than everyone else there. I soon earned the name #67.

I soon passed everything in special forces training, as Hanrim was a little ways behind me.

We had such good times until it all came to an end...Hanrim had been sent to another part of special forces, leaving me there with no one I really knew.

And after that I had completed and passed everything in special forces. It was now time for me to leave...

The day I left I couldn't bring myself to not cry, I would be leaving all of myself here. But I had to get on the bus back home.

As I made my way back to our room, and laid down there in the dark by myself, tearing up as I had to leave the next morning.

9:00 AM,

I finished packing my stuff up, and making my ways outside towards the bus. There were only a few people there this time, making it not so crowded.

I seen Hanrim by the bus waving at me, I started to cry, and put my hand up to the window, facing her.

She seemed to tear up too, smiling as the bus started to run up. It slowly started away as I was bawling on the bus.

7:24 PM,

I arrived in the city, with my bag and walking alone on the streets. Now that I had no one and no where to go, I was officially all by myself now. All alone with no one in this world...

Special Forces | Manager Kim x Reader |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant