Chapter 1 : the beginning of the journey

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City of hero's

The once thriving city ware many hero's live was now a destroyed city that was caused by Demons from the underworld especially one demon that goes by HIM the city is abandoned and is restricted zone as no one is allowed in

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The once thriving city ware many hero's live was now a destroyed city that was caused by Demons from the underworld especially one demon that goes by HIM the city is abandoned and is restricted zone as no one is allowed in..well any human that is as of right now a red portal was opening and three demons walked out with each caring daemonic weaponry.

They sniffed the air trying to get someone sent, the leader of the three Demons raised his hand as to tell them to stop, then he look  at his comrades " stick together...the vermin is hare, I can smell him"

" we'll I definitely can smell you guys"

This made the three Demons jump a bit all three going back to back, pointing daemonic area at their surroundings, the voice echoed through the city, so they do not ware it came from. One of the demons was shaking with fear and look at his boss " this is a bad idea boss..y-you know how many demons this guy killed"

His Demon  boss growl at him but the voice responded back to the scared Demons question "I can answer that, I believe that I'm up tooooo...400 " then a shot was heard in the Demon that didn't speak got his head completely blown off, it's body drop to the ground with a pool of blood from under it "401 now"

With a quick response, the leader yelling out loud " YOU THINK THERE IS ONLY THREE OF US!!!" He made a loud whistle, and several other portals have been open, revealing different Demons and some ware ghost in some combat gear all look armed to the teeth " do you have any idea how much your head is worth?!!, once we kill you we are all going to be famous and rich!"

Once again another shot was heard and the demon now have a hole in his chest, he look at it for a moment until he was drop on the ground with blood under them.

"At least the ugly one is gone"

At front of them in the streets there a shadow of a humanoid figure, walking close to them and it seems he were doing gun tricks, spinning it with one hand. The man would  stop walking as they look at everyone still spinning the gun in his right hand, he look at every single one of the bounty hunters demons and ghosts, he instantly scoff every last one " I mean Your all a bunch of ugly freaks really"

He Spain his gun one more time before he hold it tightly in his hand  and aim the barrel  of the gun up at the sky

He Spain his gun one more time before he hold it tightly in his hand  and aim the barrel  of the gun up at the sky

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