Chapter 1: For now, let's just be together

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Lily looked through the apartment door.

"Are you sure you closed everything properly after coming back?"

Outside, Fumi let out a loud sigh and crossed her arms.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" she said with fake hurt on her face. "Do you not trust me at all?"

"No, its not that," Lily replied. "It's just that things have been calm for so long."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. It's fine, can we go now?" Fumi enters the apartment and heads to the kitchen.

"..." Lily looks back out into the middle of Ensemble square. "Okay, I'm going to trust you this time."

She closes the door behind her and the door disappears.

Diavolo was attempting to finish(avoid) work in his office when he sensed something strange with the magic in the area.


Barbatos puts down the book he was reading to look up at Diavolo. "Yes my lord?"

"Does something seem strange today? I know I didn't plan any surprises for the brothers and MC this month."

Barbatos looks out the window for a short moment. Looking back, he replies, "Something interesting is going to happen soon."

Diavolo's eyes brighten at Barbatos' statement. "Yay! It's been a while since something has happened!" He says cheerily.

Barbatos nods. "...Paperwork."

"But Baarrrbbb!!..." Diavolo says, almost whines and try's his best puppy eyes.

Barbatos sighs and puts a hand to his forehead. "You know that doesn't work on me, my lord." Diavolo looks at the enormous pile of paper on his desk and sighs dejectedly but continues his work as Barbatos sips a cup of tea.

Knights was in the middle of practicing for their next live when Leo abruptly stopped and ran out of the studio yelling something about aliens. "Leader!" Tsukasa pokes his head out the door to try and pull Leo back in but he's nowhere to be seen.

Arashi comes out next looking around for their leader. "Where did he go? We were almost finished practice too." She sighs.

"We really should put a tracker on him if he's going to keep running away like that," complains Izumi, walking out of the room with Ritsu trailing after him.

They see Kohaku walking by lost in his thoughts and mumbling something under his breath. "Ah, Kohakun!" Kohaku jumps into a fighting stance before realizing who called him and switches to a more relaxed stance.

"Ah, Suou nii-han. Have ya seen Madara-han anywhere? We're supposed ta start plannin' for a unit activity next week but he wasn't where we were supposed ta meet."

"No, I haven't. Did you see Leo-san on the way here?"

"Yeah, I saw him runnin' in the opposite direction. Why was he yellin' about aliens though?"

"He left in the middle of practice. If he was going to write, he could have written on the notebook I have for him."

"I wonder why he left then." Arashi says.

"Hm." Is all Tsukasa has to say.

"Welp, I'm gonna keep looking for him, see ya." Kohaku waves at the 4 knights and continues in the direction he was headed.

"Bye Kohakun."

-Leo Earlier-

'I sense Aliens nearby!!'

Leo runs through the hallways before tripping on air and falling onto Madara. "Ah! Leo-san!" Madara, being immensely surprised, fell over. Fully expecting to hit the floor, he closes his eyes ready for the impact. What he didn't expect was falling into water. Madara sits up and blinks a few times.

"Ah! Mama!" Leo excitedly says. He engulfs Madara in a tight hug not realizing wet his back was. "Haha I didn't expect to run into you while looking for aliens!"

Madara hugs Leo back and ruffles his hair, grinning. "What are you doing running away during unit practice?"

"I was looking for aliens!!"

Madara was about to answer when he noticed that they weren't in the hallway anymore. Instead, it looked like they were in the middle of a town square in the middle of the night.

"Hey, Leo-san."


"Where are we?"

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