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Chen Xing quietly went to Little Niu's side and helped him pick up some food.

Little Niu smiled and ruffled Chen Xing's hair.

Chen Xing smiled and whispered to Little Niu, "Brother Niu, it doesn't matter if you can't drink. If you get married in the future, we can all drink for you."

Little Niu's face was very red. He replied softly, "Then I'll thank Little Xing in advance."

He had never thought of getting married, but Chen Xing's words made him feel extremely warm.

From the time he was born until he was twenty-four years old, he was destined to travel around for a living. Perhaps after enduring all the hardships, he would meet a woman who understood him well.

He was born to suffer, but there would always be someone to take over and love him. He thought that even if it was short-lived, it was enough. This love was enough to support him through all the unbearable pain.

Chen Xing smiled. "Brother Niu, you don't have to thank me. With my brother, eldest brother, second brother, and eldest cousin around, it might not be my turn. Hehe, our family is very good at drinking."

Little Niu laughed. He could feel it.

Old Wu and Gui You liked to drink to begin with, and the others were also more or less in the mood.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, there was also hangover soup. Even if one was drunk, they wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

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Little Niu held the hangover soup with a faint floral aroma and went out the door to look up at the sky.

His heart was already closed, and his eyes were completely blind. However, his senses were getting better and better. He thought to himself, 'Master, are you watching? I didn't let you down. I'm doing very well. I'm eating my fill and wearing warm clothes. Don't worry, go ahead. Don't worry about me. I promise you that I'll live on well. Whether I succeed or not, I won't disappoint you. If I fail, I won't have any complaints. I'll accept my fate. What you're worried about will never happen. If I succeed, please forgive me for being unfilial. I'll have to grow old before I can meet you. I'll always remember your teachings.'

A snowflake suddenly landed on his face. It was snowing.

Little Niu smiled brightly.

Su Xiaolu was not far away and watched with a smile. Her Junior Brother was on the right track.

She looked at the sky and muttered, "Uncle-Master Niu, you can rest assured in heaven."

Snowflakes fell one after another.

It was an auspicious snowy year. At this moment, everyone who saw the snow was in a good mood.

After quietly admiring the snow for a while, everyone washed up and returned to their rooms to rest.

In the middle of the night, there was a knock on the door.

Shuang Gui, who was guarding the door, immediately stood up to open the door. He asked politely, "Who is it? Why are you looking for my master?"

"Quick, inform your master and madam. Tell them to go over quickly. Your madam's father is dying. I'm from the Yan family."

The person said anxiously.

When Shuang Gui heard this, he immediately went to the main courtyard to report.

Su Sanlang and Madam Zhao were already sound asleep. Shuang Gui knocked very softly and only woke Su Sanlang up. After Su Sanlang answered, Shuang Gui stopped knocking.

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