Chapter 9: The Gate

Start from the beginning


Moments later Steve went outside to convince Billy that Max is not here "Then who is that?" We heard Billy said and point at us, we all ducked "Shit! Did he see us?" Dustin said "I don't know!" I said, we stood up waiting for Steve to cone inside the house, but instead of Steve coming in Billy slammed the door open and came inside the house "Well, well, well.. Julia Harrington. What a suprise." Billy said as he walked closer towards us "I thought I told you to stay away from her, Max." Billy said "Billy, go away." Max replied "You disobeyed me. And you know what happens if you disobey me." Billy said "Billy..." Max said "I break things." Billy said, and grabbed my by the collar and pinned me harshly at the cabinet, I groan in pain "Billy! Stop!" Max yelled "Jules!" Lucas yelled "Stop!--" I couldn't finish what I was saying because of shortness of breath "Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her. Stay away from her! You here me?" Billy said "Get of off me!" I said, then I kicked him in the leg 'cause I missed his balls, he groans in pain, but he's still pinning me, he looked me dead in the eye "You bitch." He said and gripped my arm tightly and started twisting it, I started screaming in pain and tears running down my face, while Billy's twisting my arm more and more "Billy! Stop! You're hurting her!" Max yelled "Let go of her, asshole!" Mike yelled, "Get the hell away from my sister! You sick bastard!" Steve yelled, and punch Billy in the face as he finally let go of me, as Billy let go of me, I just sat on the floor with tears still running down my face and not being able to move because of the pain in my arm, Max pulled me away from Billy "Are you okay?" Max said with a worried look, Mike noticed that I couldn't breath "She can't breath." Mike said and immediately went through my bag to look for an inhaler, he soon found one and gave it to me, and I soon took two puffs "Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh? I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about." Billy said "Get out." Steve said in a serious tone of voice few moment of silence later Billy tried to punch Steve, but luckily Steve dodged it and punched Billy "Yes! Kick his ass, Steve!" "Get Him!" "Murder that son of a bitch!" "Now! Now!" "Get that shithead!" Mike and Dustin yelled at the same time as Steve continue to beat the shit out of him, Billy started laughing and grabbed a plate and smashed it to Steve's head "Steve!" I yelled in a worried voice, I tried to stop Billy, but Max was holding me back, making sure I won't get hurt "Max! Let go!" I cried "Jules! Stop! You're gonna get hurt!" The taller girl said, Billy threw a punch at him again, as Steve was groaning in pain Billy walks towards him and grabbed him by his collar "No one tells me what to do." Billy said and punches Steve again, Steve was and the floor "Whoo! Get up!" Billy said "Stop it!" I cried "Stop it! You're gonna kill him!" Dustin yelled, Billy got on top of Steve and punched him multiple times "Stop it! Let go of him!" I cried "Max! Let go!" I said, Max saw a syringe laying on a drawer "Hold her." Max told Lucas, Lucas just nodded and hold me tightly, as I still trying to making him let go of me, Max grabbed the syringe and removed the cap and she started walking towards Billy and stabbed the syringe into Billy's neck "Oh shit." Mike said, Billy stop punching Steve and stood up and took the syring out of his neck "The hell is this?" Billy asked, and started walking towards Max "You little shit, what did you do?" Billy said, and he fainted. Well, not really fainted he just layed down "Shit." Mike said Billy started laughing again, Max grabbed Steve's bat and walked towards Billy "From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone, and especially Jules. Do you understand?" Max said "Screw you." Billy said, Max swing the bat down close to his crotch and bringing it up again "Say you understand!" Max yelled "Say it. Say it!" Max said "I understand." Billy mumbled "What?" Max said "I understand." Billy said it again loud and clear, Max dropped the bat and took Billy's car keys "Let's get out of here." Max said.


After Billy was down, Lucas and Mike decided to find some cloth and make it in to an arm sling and put it on me, while Dustin was putting tons of band aids in Steve's face. Now here we are in Billy's car, Steve's still unconscious, and Max is driving us to where chief dug his hole.
Steve woke up. Well, not really, he's still half awake, for now..
"Nancy?" Steve said looking at Mike "What?" I said, Steve looked at me "Mom?" He said "Wha- no, I'm not mom, dumbass." I said "Oh." Steve said, well, I guess I couldn't blame him, I got my looks from my mom, Steve groaned in pain and tried to touch his scar "No, don't touch it." Dustin told Steve, Steve looked at Dustin looking confuse "Hey, buddy. It's okay you put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight, buddy. You're okay." Dustin said "Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas said "What's going on?" Steve says as he saw Max was the one driving the car
"Oh, my god." Steve says, as he starts panicking "Steve, just relax. She's driven before." Dustin told Steve, to calm him down "Yeah, in a parking lot." Mike said "That counts." Lucas said "Oh, my god." Steve said, as he starts panicking more, and more "They were gonna leave you behind." Dustin said "Oh, my god. No, no." Steve said "But, I promised that you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin said, Max was speeding up "Woah, woah, woah, woah. What's going on?" "Oh, my god! No! Woah! Stop the car. Slow down." Steve said "I told you he'd freak out!" Mike said "STOP THE CAR!" Steve yelled "EVERYBODY, SHUT UP! I'M TRYING TO FOCUS!" Max yelled "Oh, wait! That's Mount Sinai! Make a left!" Lucas said "What?" Max replied "Make a left!" Lucas yells, Max immediately turned the steering wheel to the left. All I saw and heard is the tire screeching, Max hit a mailbox, Lucas and Steve screaming, and Mike and Dustin arguing, I got fustrated with the sound of Steve screaming, because I was close to him "STEVE, SHUT UP!" I yelled, but of course he kept screaming, I just rolled my eyes out of frustration.

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