The Fool (Special Episode)

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(Dokja's POV)

"How are you both feeling?" My other self asked. Neither of us answered so the Supreme King took it upon himself. He pointed to me. "He's in a state of shock and can't process anything right now." He looked at his other self. "While I on the other hand am a stubborn bitch who still believes he was betrayed." Yoo Junghyeok glared at him. "I was betrayed you fucking bastard!" The regressor snarled through his teeth, putting emphasis on the word 'was'. The other man just raised an eyebrow and looked back at other me. "The fool just insulted himself."

The man in white sighed as he walked over to me. "Are you okay? You're kinda quiet right now." I give a small laugh. "Well... who wouldn't. That was quite a lot of information to process." My other self smiled, turning back to his companion. "It was, wasn't it? I'm sorry you have to learn about it like this."

"So, the both of you are future versions of us," I spoke, testing the waters. The King and the Demon exchanged glances. The former opened his mouth. "You are correct." My mind was racing. This was the chance I needed to get information. I had to gather my thoughts. "Did we reach the end?" The protagonist scoffed. "The Company reached the end just fine. Its leader on the other hand needed more than a little convincing."

"Bullshit!" The other, angry, protagonist growled. "Who are you and what do you want?" The two companions stared. "Is this what you had to deal with?" The former regressor asked his reader. "Was my third turn this dense?" I stayed silent as my other self sighed. "Unfortunately." He turned to look at me. "I hope you got your answer." I didn't answer, just lost in thought. "If you can call that an answer. Who, or what, even is the Company?" I opened my mouth to ask another question. "Earlier in the room, when people were accusing Yoo Junghyeok, you said that you, that I, that we were the cause of the scenarios. What did we do?" The other man sighed. "I knew you would ask that eventually. Currently, I don't know how much I can say. All you need to know is that everything will turn out alright." I groan, "That is not comforting whatsoever." I look at my other self, it really was like looking in a mirror. "Please tell me," The Demon King turned his back. I don't stop pushing. "Please... I need to know." With his back still turned, he said, "I'm sorry." I sighed and bowed my head.


As Dokja bowed his head, he missed the tears forming in the eyes of the Demon King. He missed how the Supreme King walked to the other and pulled him into a small embrace. He missed as the other protagonist in the room watched this outward display of affection in confusion. Dokja missed how the former regressor made his way over to him after a small show of affection. Slowly, the future protagonist placed his hand on the shoulder of his younger reader.


I felt a hand being placed on my arm. I looked up and met the eyes of this future Yoo Junghyeok. "I just want you to know that you are worthy of the friendships you've made." Such a simple sentence, but one I didn't expect to come out of the mouth of 'Yoo Junghyeok'. After all, I've read about this man's life for ten years, and never have I seen him show such emotion. I opened my mouth hesitantly. Perhaps, something changed in Yoo Junghyeok, something only gained at the end. "Are- are you alright?" The older king let out a small laugh. He pointed to the very distraught protagonist across the room. "I think you should be asking him that." He took my hand and pulled me to my feet, giving a small push in the direction of the other man. "Try to talk to him."

Suddenly, both he and my other self began to fade. "Would you look at that?" The former regressor spoke softly, looking at both of his arms as he faded. He turned to my other self. "I think we completed the task." A smile appeared on the man in white's face. "See you on the other side." The smile that would have formed on the former regressor's face vanished. "Don't say that again." He turned to me. "Good luck." Both of them disappeared from the room, leaving me with a very emotionally unstable protagonist. I turned to him, our eyes met. "Yoo- " The protagonist scoffed and started walking away. "Okay, you damn sunfish." I ran after him. "Yoo Junghyeok wait!" I hear him curse before he broke into a full sprint. "This fucking!- " I chased after him. "I need to talk to you!" I barely had time to slide left before a sword was sent toward my face. I grit my teeth, the sword leaving a small cut across my cheek. "Well... at least he doesn't have his sword anymore." I unsheathed mine and ran. "Yoo Junghyeok please!" I screamed. "Let me talk to you!"

"I have nothing to say to you!" The regressor yelled. "You traitor!" I statement hurt, but he wasn't wrong. I felt my heart clench and my throat close but I couldn't give up. I forced the words the leave my mouth. "You don't have to say anything! Just listen to me!" I panted, damn him and his protagonist stamina. "I don't have to listen to you!" Junghyeok cursed as he continued running. I couldn't keep chasing after him. Pausing for just a moment, I gathered as much strength as I could and threw the sword forward, managing to catch the regressor's black coat and leaving him stuck to the ground. He turned and glared at me.

I jumped and kicked him in the chest, causing him to fall into the crowd. I grabbed the sword out of the ground and sent it down through the side of his coat. Quickly, I dove on top of him and held him down, pinning his hands just above his head. "WILL YOU FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!!" I yelled. Junghyeok stayed quiet, a scowl etched on his face. "Junghyeok I-" "Nothing you could ever say will make a difference. I hate you." A sound played in my head. I had heard it enough times to know that it meant that one of my skills have be activated. "That's strange, I didn't- "

[Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Level 2]

{Nothing you could ever say will make a difference. I still love you... you fool.}

I'm sorry I couldn't get a full chapter out. While I did have an emergency appointment over the weekend, I fully intended to get the next chapter out by Monday. Then low and behold, I got the thing that every writer fears, writer's block. I just couldn't write. I wanted to but I just felt no motivation. School didn't help either. Currently, I am still having a lack of motivation but I just can't abandon this story. Next time, I will make sure to update you all on if you should be expecting an update. 

I don't know when I will be able to write another big chapter but I don't want to leave you all with nothing. My solution to all this is a series of Special Episodes. There will be three, short, plot-relevant updates of this kind of chapter. That way, I won't push myself deeper into this mess and you all will have something to read. The next two following updates will be uploaded randomly. Once they are out, I should be well enough to go back to the old schedule. Thank you all for your support. You are the reason I want to keep writing. See you all next time.

P.S. This will be the first entry of the three-episode special.

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