1│ Walk

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It was fucking hot, smoke practically filling the room I sat in. Or maybe it felt that way because I was trapped in a tight room with Mikasa who couldn't sit still and Eren who blew warm smoke from his lips.

I lay in Eren's bed with my back against the wall, hoping the cool brick wall could save me from my heat exhaustion.

Thankfully the front door swung open, letting fresh air enter the room.

Armin entered, struggling to hold back his coughs. "Eren can you smoke that shit outside, it smells so bad."

Eren, sitting on the kitchen counter, groaned, "it's my crib."

I watched Armin's shoulders drop in defeat, slugging into the small loft with a school bag on his back and plastic bags in his hands. "Whatever."

Mikasa laughed, jumping up on the counter to sit beside Eren. She grabbed the blunt from his hand and threw it into the kitchen sink.

"Hey," Eren yelled.

"I'm sure your lungs could take a break from that shit," she said, elbowing him in his side.


Armin laughed walking over to the fridge with grocery bags in his hands.

I watched as Eren's pout turned into a grin as Armin turned his back to him. As Armin was about to open the fridge, Eren used his foot to push him forward. Armin stumbled forward barely managing to keep the bags from spilling on the ground.

"Hey!" Armin called.

Eren burst out laughing and Mikasa couldn't stop herself from joining in, choking back tears as Armin angrily put away the groceries.

I loved this. Everything about it.

"One day Armin's gonna stop taking care of you," I called.

Armin peeked back to look at me and smiled. He grabbed something out of the fridge and shut the door. He walked over and handed me a water bottle.

I sat up to grab the water he offered. "Thanks." I pressed the cold bottle to my forehead and sighed.

Armin hummed and sat down on the bed next to me. He shrugged off his bag and started pulling out schoolwork.

Armin was always interested in his studies. More than the rest of us. Mikasa did well, but she didn't care for any of the subjects. I could hardly haul myself into those classes so I left school years ago, and Eren — well Eren got expelled on the first day of senior year.

"What are you working on?" I asked eyeing the workbook of equations and variables.

"I'm working on curve sketching right now," Armin responded already scratching random numbers into equations.

"Cool," I said, rolling onto my stomach to watch as Armin worked. "Wanna show me the steps?"

Armin smiled, pointing at different numbers on his workbook, "first you have to find the domain which is pretty easy! Then it's range, intercepts, the symmetry, then the asymptotes. I showed you that last time I was here. Then you have—"

"Do you even understand anything he's saying?" Eren asked.

"In theory," I said. "Armin explained it to me yesterday. Do you?"

"Not a clue."

I laughed. "Come exam week and Armin will probably explain it to you fifty times."

"I hope not," Eren groaned.

"That's how I study," Armin argued. "It's not like you have anything better to do."

"Ouch," Eren said, clutching his heart. "You wound me."

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