Seven Minutes With My Best Friend's Brother

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This smut will be regarding the following themes:

Anal sex, vaginal sex, heterosexual intercourse, praise kink speech, dirty talk, oral sex done to vaginal and anal area, alcohol, partying, tight spaces.



My best friend Jace and I walk into his house, taking our shoes off and placing them near the door. We go to the living room, sitting down at the off-white soft couch as Jace turns on the T.V. "So what do you wanna do? Besides study." He quickly says after his question. "I don't know, maybe we could invite Aaliyah and Mason and just chill?" I respond, slightly shrugging as I tuck my legs up against my chest.

"I can text Mason to bring some bottles, maybe party games? To celebrate the end of the semester of course!" He states matter-of-fact-ly, grabbing his phone. "Suuure, sounds fun! I'll go ask your brother." You say, leaping up from your sitting position and walking to the stairs that lead up to the bedrooms of the house. "Good idea."

I walk myself to his room, knocking a few times on his door. Silence for a moment, then footsteps a few seconds later. He opens the door, leaning against the frame. "Hey, what's up?" He asks, looking me up and down to take note of my outfit. "Hey Emilio, me and Jace are gonna invite Aaliyah and Mason over and play some party games to celebrate the end of the semester, wanna join?" I ask, lacing my fingers behind my back as my face begins to heat up a bit at the sight of him.

"Yeah sure, I'll go down once everyone gets here." He says. "Okay, see you then!" I respond, turning away and going back downstairs to rejoin Jace on the couch. "Oh, hey! Your outfit looks cute today by the way, I love that color on you." I smile and thank him, looking down a bit at my grey Harry Potter t-shirt and black flared leggings. I can't believe he said that, that's new.

Aaliyah finally arrives about a half an hour later, just in time for you and Jace to finish setting up the party game that you guys agreed on for that night. "Looks good you guys!! I brought some vodka!!" Aaliyah exclaims as she holds up a bottle of Smirnoff's Original. Thank God she brought liquor, I can't be confident around him without something.

Mason arrives shortly after, and he reveals the brownies and bottle of Malibu he brought with him. Knowing Mason, the brownies are definitely edibles. We all sit on the floor with a hat in the middle of us, filled with one of each of our names. Emilio comes downstairs as he hears us laughing and talking about our favorite and least favorite professors at our campus.

He sits next to me, and I can smell his cologne. Musky yet not too strong, which tempts me as I think of getting even closer to let his scent fill my head. Before I even know what's happening, stuck in my own thoughts, I'm being presented with a hat. "Okay okay, you first since it was your ideaaa!" Jace giggles, shaking the hat a bit in his hands to shuffle the names. I sigh and reach my hand in "Here goes nothing!" I say as I unfold my chosen piece of paper.

"Emilio." I read the name off of the paper, not realizing fully what that meant until the sweet name spilled from between my lips. I look up at Emilio, expecting a disgusted look on his face because I'm just his little brother's friend. But instead, I see a smirk play on his curved lips. "Okay!! Into the closet you two!" Jace laughs, standing to open the door for us.

I hesitantly shuffle towards the open door, hesitant. Until I feel a hand on my lower back, ushering me into the small space. I look up to my left, and there stands Emilio pressing his hand flat against my lower back just above my butt. "Come on, sweetheart." He encourages, finally standing with me chest to chest in the confined space. "We'll set a timer, have fun you guys!" Jace closes the door, and the tiny room becomes dark.

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