Sky asked

"Home "

"You're kidding ? I told your pups you're staying with me "

"I'm going to phi phayu "

"Rain !!! Don't be ridiculous let's finish our work first "

"I'll be back , I hope so "

He opened the door and leaves

'' wait !!!! Rain "


Phayu just finished his work at the office getting ready to leave when his phone suddenly rang.

"Hello kub father?"

"Don't you dare to call me father "

Tharn said

"I'm sorry what did I do wrong ?"

"You did alot , now get off my son's sight for your own good "

"Uncle , you know I love rain more than anything in the world "

"But you will end up hurting him "

"I promise,  I will never hurt him and I will protect him "

"You boys of this generation are all talk and never do "

"But I did save him from that crazy guy "
Said phayu in confidence

"Huh~ save him? After what? Getting kidnapped??"

Tharn mocked

"I'm sorry but I'm not leaving rain , if that costs me my own life "

Phayu said as tharn hung up on him which made phayu get angry and go home as quick as he can , cuz he knows rain is waiting for him there .

As soon as he walked In He saw rain sitting on the floor eyes sore nose red as a tomato .

He approached,  quickly rain hugged him without hesitation and cried on his shoulder .

"Phi phayu can't we just run away together and leave everything behind? I hate this so much "

Phayu patted on his lover's back trying to calm him down

"Baby , we can't do that .. we need to find a solution instead of running away from it "

He said whispering into his ear softly .

"But phi ! I can't deal with my dads anymore!! They're driving me crazy and I Don't fucking understand why are they doing this to me "
He smiffed

Phayu moves away and wipes his lover's tears off

"Don't worry , I can fix it and prove to them that I'm trust worthy , so Don't cry hmm?"

He sniffed again wiping his own eye 

"Now stop crying come here and wash your face , it's gonna turn black of you keep crying"

(it's a joke my parents told me whenever I cry to stop me from crying )

"Haha ~ how is that ?"

"You finally laughed, my baby is so cute when he laughs "
He pinched his cheeks  clunching his teeth together of cuteness

"I really love you phi pahyu "

" I love you so much I wanna squeeze you like a Teddy bear "

" so you're saying that I'm fat???"

"I never said that !!! I said I wanna squeeze you cuz you look squishy and cute "

He tickles him

"Hoii , don't tickle me !! Ya (don't)
Yaaaaa  !!!!"

Next morning

Phayu wakes up hugging his lover lying on his chest .

He stares at him for a while , touches his face from the top of his forehead down to his lips .

"Did you like my face that much ?"

"Hoi !!!!!"
Rain jumpes off quickly then continues " you were wake?"

"Yep ,since the moment you touched my forehead , and I feel like I wanna do something naughty with you right now "

"Don't even think about it phi phayu "

"What? What do you mean ?"

"I know what are you thinking about so no he'll no "

He stands up quickly and runs off the room downstairs seeing saifah making breakfast.

"Good morning rain "

Rain awkwardly walks in and greets saifah

"G - good morning "

"You OK? Did phayu did something?"

Rain got red , like tomato red from blushing then said in a high tone

"Paaao !!!" *nothing

You know he's lying when you hear him say that .

" I just wanted to tell him to eat breakfast that's all saifah but I Don't know what he understood "

Phayu said being cheeky

Saifah just laughed it out and sat down to eat when again , rain's phone rang.

"Shshshsh it's pups , quite "
Saifah looking at phayu confused

"Hello pups ??"

"I called sky 3 times and he didn't answer me !! "

"He - he's asleep pups I didn't hear his phone it was probably on silent mode !!!!"
He was begging inside that his dad would believe him .....


End of part 1

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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