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I get there and Hermione and I say bye to our parents, I see the Weaselys and Potter, I follow them, Ron notices me and says "Mom can my other friends join us?" His mom says "Friends? Of course! The more the merrier! Introduce me to these friends! Are one of them that girl who you told me got the Wands of Legend?" Two identical boys say "The Wands of Legend!?" and the rest said "The Wands of Legend?!" And I yell "AM I SERIOUSLY THE ONLY PERSON HERE WHO DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THEY WERE?!" Harry says "I didn't..." I respond "Other than the one raised by- wait! Hermione knew and she was also raised by muggles! But I was also raised by the same people..." I pout Hermione says "I read a lot, you can't blame Harry though... he was raised by anti magic muggles."

I say "what does that say about me?!" She says "you don't read as much" I say "I do too! I read Manga!" She laughs and says "That doesn't count!" I yell defensively "YES IT DOES! IT IS WORDS ON PAPER BETWEEN 2 SHEETS OF THICKER PAPER! DEFINE BOOK IF THAT ISN'T ONE!" She says "well it is, just not a useful one" I pout again.

Mrs Weasely says "how about we introduce ourselves, I'm Ron's Mom Mrs Weasely," I say "I'm YN Granger" Hermione says "I'm Hermione Granger, YN and I have the same birthday but she is a pureblood and was adopted by my parents, we don't know what her original surname was" I say "Why does it matter that I'm a pureblood Miony?" She says matter of factly "Because you being a pureblood means they won't call you "Mud blood" because of your family being Muggles" I say "Who cares what they think? They aren't my parents! Nor my friends if they think blood is that important!" She says "Well I do care about weather my sister gets picked on or not!"

A small redhead with straight hair says in a small, shy voice, "My name is Ginny" I say "Are you Ron's twin?" Mrs Weasely says "No she is his younger sister" the two identical boys walk over and one says "I'm Fred!" The other says "I'm George!" I say "Did you hear our introductions?" They respond in sinc "Yes we did Granger! Is it true that you got the Wands of Legend?!" I say "Okay I get it that means I'm "Powerful" but I still don't see why it is a big deal." Hermione says "You would if you read more educational books instead of Mangas, you would know" we reach the train and when I get on there is a adult with black shoulder length hair, whom I assume is a teacher.

The guy says "I am Snape, you can call me Professor Snape, follow me, we are going to sit with the other professors," I follow and I walk into a compartment with everyone who Hermione explained to me as this years teachers.

Professor Mogonagal says "I'm Pro-" I interrupt "Professor Mogonagal, transfiguration teacher, professor Quarrell, Defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Trelawney, Divination teacher, Professor Hooch, flying instructor, Professor Sprout, Herbology teacher, Professor Dumbledoor, headmaster, Professor Hagrid, care of magical creatures teacher, nice to meet you all, I already know a lot about you, because my sister is Hermione and it would be such a disappointment if someone such as myself was any more uneducated than I already am, you will understand once you meet her, I honestly don't know why I'm in here getting a personal interview with y'all" And Dumbledoor says "Well if you would let us finish we could explain, so I assume you already know about the wands, but the ability of each one is different, (he explains each one and you test each one settling for the griffinclaw wand to be your regular one because it doesn't change anything,) when the train arrives Dumbledoor says "We will introduce you separately" I respond "No thank you, I barely know much about the wizarding world as it is, it would not feel right to be obviously honored for nothing" and before they can respond I walk out and join the other first years.

When we get to the building- more like Castle but whatever, we walk in and it calls a bunch of names I recognize and ones I don't and I look up and see a boy with dark brown hair, a scar on his nose and one on his eye brow, and soft dark chocolate colored eyes, he looks at me and I look away blushing and he says under his breath "soft dark chocolate~" I squeak and say loud enough for him to hear "I didn't even say it out loud!" He chuckles and I hear "Mattheo Riddle," he walks up to the sorting hat and I realize that is Voldemort's son... whatever it doesn't matter, people aren't always a perfect copy of their parents... he seems to slightly smile at me softly when I think that, I then think 'and he is definitely not his father' the sorting hat says "Gri- huh why not? Your dad? Fine we wouldn't want ya being disowned Slytherin!" The part that wasn't Gri- and Slytherin weren't loud enough for others to hear I smile warmly at him and he smiles back before heading over to the Slytherin table, then I was the last one left, I still had my wand case and Dumbledoor says "We have a special student of prophecy here this year other than Harry Potter, I assume you all know what the Wands of Legend are," everyone that my eyes can see nod and I say loudly "Bloody Hell! Am I the only one here who knew nothing about my own wands other than Potter?!" Hermione says matter of factly "Well maybe if you read educational books instead of manga then we wouldn't have this problem." I yell "My lord! Miony! I swear not this again! Manga is just as much a book as any other! Sheets of paper with words in between 2 thicker sheets of paper! Define a book if that isn't one!" Dumbledoor interrupts "AS I WAS SAYING! The rightful owner of those wands is YN Granger! Please welcome her! YN is a pureblood raised by muggles as a muggle despite her blood, she refuses to care about blood percentages even though her blood is the purest out there! YN please come up to the sorting hat," I think to myself 'but didn't they say they already had a dorm setup for me in each house? Whatever' I walk up and sit under the hat and say "I swear if this thing gives me lice imma sue." The hat says "Griffindoor!" The Griffindoor table starts cheering, then the hat says "Slytherin!" I smirk and some look confused while others looked like they knew already, the Slytherin table cheers as well and then the hat says "Ravenclaw!" More people look confused but the ravenclaw table cheers, the hat then says "Hufflepuff!!" The Hufflepuff table starts cheering and I start to stand up when the hat yells "SILVERWING!" And I go say hi to Hermione but head over to the Slytherin table, I sit down next to Mattheo and I feel a surge of confidence, I say to Mattheo "Hello pretty boy~" he goes bright pink and I chuckle, I then stand up and Professor Magonagol walks over and hands me a card, she says "This card will let all the house doors automatically open for you, in each dorm your room number is 28, you only have to share your Slytherin dorm, with Riddle, whom I can see you are already acquainted with," I say in a flirtatious tone to Mattheo "Cya tonight chocolate boy~" I wink and walk back to the Griffindoor table, I give the death glare at some small boy who is sitting next to my sister, he scampers off and I sit next to her.

Miony says "YN did you just flirt with the son of he who must not be named? Or is he staring at you flustered for a different reason?" I say "Yes, Yes I did Miony, I cannot judge by blood it is not in my nature, plus he doesn't have the death eaters mark, he is wearing short sleeves! He isn't his father! The only reason he isn't in Griffindoor is because his family would kill him, didn't you hear the hat? It almost said Griffindoor! The sorting hat is never wrong! It had to put him in slytherin for his own safety." She looks shocked and says "You know that his family is very Anti-Muggle!" I say "he isn't Miony! Don't you trust me?-" Professor Snape rushes in and says "The Granger parents got into a car crash after dropping you 2 off, I am sorry for your loss they didn't make it" he says with a slight sympathetic look on his face, I feel myself about to cry and I run to the Slytherin dormitory and I burst into tears and jump onto the sofa in the slytherin common room. I bury my face into a cushion, and cry, some asshole whom I assume is an upperclassman say "Look it's a baby crying- what a crybaby!" I say "SHUT. TA FAQ. UP! YOU WOULD BE CRYING TOO IF YOU JUST FOUND OUT THE PEOPLE WHO RAISED YOU DIED IN A CAR CRASH AFTER DROPPING YOU AND YOUR TWIN OFF AND THE LAST THING YOU SAID TO THEM WAS "SEE YOU FOR HOLIDAY"" I sniff and say "But you know who I won't be seeing for the holidays? *sniff* my parents."

By that they seemed a little sorry, one says "I-I'm sorry for your loss... are your parents muggles?" I say "I'm a pureblood but yes they were my adoptive parents," they say "You need a shoulder to cry on kid? My name is Marcus Flint, and your name is?" I say "YN, YN Granger, nice to meet you," he sits down and says "Need a hug? I'm sorry about my behavior it was uncalled for." I respond "yes please that would be nice" I hug him and he says "You are adorable so now you are my "Little Sister" if someone messes with you and you need help come to me," I say "Really?" He says "Yes I am sorry for your loss" I say "Thank you, but I do need to go get something to eat before the great hall stops serving food" I get up and exit the commons.

I go back to the great hall but I put my hood up, I walk over to the ravenclaw table and I grab some (favorite food) one says "Hey you can't steal food from other tables!" I pull my hood off and say "This is my table, same with all the others" she stands up and bows down saying "I apologize for my behavior, my name is Audrey Lovegood, you must be YN," I respond "That is correct, nice to meet you Audrey," we chat for a little bit.
(This is what Audrey looks like)

I learn that she is pureblood, she was adopted by the Lovegood family, but supposedly from the ravenclaw family, maybe we are related? No way to know, anyway I now have friends from gryffindor, slytherin, and ravenclaw, just need a Hufflepuff

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I learn that she is pureblood, she was adopted by the Lovegood family, but supposedly from the ravenclaw family, maybe we are related? No way to know, anyway I now have friends from gryffindor, slytherin, and ravenclaw, just need a Hufflepuff. Apparently her family disowned her because of her not being against muggle borns, "shocking"... not, I expect that from almost any purebloods other than the Weasely family so called "blood traitors" I think that pureblood families that are against muggles are stupid, the more they inbreed to keep the pure lineage the un-avoidably stupider the kids will be, they are like backyard purebred dogs with how they marry, it's stupid and counterproductive, if they are trying to make strong wizards, they'll fail, the more related blood mixes the stupider the kids are, therefore if they are pureblood they are likely stupid, Draco Malfoy is a prime example of this.

2023 words

The wands of legend. Mattheo Riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now