chapter IV.

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It was the next day and we were on our way to fencing class. We both had our black outfits which looked totally badass if I say so myself. When we walked in everyone stopped and look at us while Wednesday went and stopped in front of one of the mats.

"Coach, coach, she tripped me.", a boy with glasses whined while falling on the ground.
"It was a clean strike, Rowan."
"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck. Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get some real competition? Anyone else wanna challenge me?", Bianca exclaimed while looking around the room.
"I do.", well sh*it. Of course you do.
"Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in.", this is not gonna end in a good way.
"And you must be the self-appointed Queen Bee.", Wendy shot back.
"Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead.", I chimed in.
Bianca looked a bit shocked, guess she just now realized I was also here.
"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defence. He's not helpless, he's just lazy.", that isn't really a nice thing to say.
"Are we doing this or not?", sh*ts about to go down.

And they started their match, how exciting. I didn't really pay attention to it, but I did saw out of the corner of my eye, how a person came closer to me. Then Bianca got a hit from Wednesday.
"Nice one miss." I cheered for her.
After a little while the young miss got a hit, so the score was even. The person came even closer to me and I recognised him as the artsy boy, Xavier Thrope.
Then miss Wendy chose to fight using the military strategy. I took her helmet from here and watched them fight. I saw as Bianca slashed her forehead and blood slowly started to come out of the wound.

"Your face finally got the splash of colour it so desperately needed.", Bianca chuckled.
"Young miss, let me take you to the infirmary.", I walked to her , but she just stared at the blood in her hand.
"No need."
"But miss-", I argued.
"I said no need, Adreanna. Your dismissed.", she cut me off with a harsh voice.
"As you wish.", I sighed and bowed while she hurried past me.
Well that was fun. I was about to turn around, but ....

"Your her maid right?"
"Yes that is correct, miss Barclay."
"How about we spar together?"
"Oh my, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not as good as the young miss. It's just gonna be boring for you. You said you wanted a challenge, like I said I'm not good. You can choose any other partner.", I also don't wanna because I'm too tired.
"Nope I wanna challenge you.", damn she's persistent.
"I really don't do not want to embarrass the miss more.", I scratched the back of my neck trying to look uncomfortable. Maybe she'll stop being so annoying.
"Oh, come on. You can't embarrass her more than she's already embarrassed herself.", now you've struck a nerve.
"Alright, if you're so persistent. Why don't we give it a try.", I smirked under my mask and had a mischievous glint in my eyes. She looked a bit unsure now after my quick response.
"Do you want to continue with the military strategy?", she really wants to fight.
"Sure if you're so confident."

We got into the stance and went for each other. I didn't really bother trying to fight and in the middle of it I purposely let go of my foil. I made it look like she was stronger and she hit me.
"Point to Bianca.", now can I finally leave.
"Wait , coach, Adreanna let go of her foil on purpose. It wasn't because of Bianca."
"Your very observant, mister Thrope.", I smiled bitterly while looking in his direction.
"Oh, you know my name?", he smirked.
Of course not you dipsh*-
"Of course, how could I not know of the school bachelor, Xavier Thrope."
"You flatter me.", I wasn't really trying to.
"Since Adreanna lost on purpose you're going to do another match.", really coach, how annoying.
"And this time play seriously.", Bianca glared at me. Alrighty... time to get "serious".

We got into the stance. Now I had to try and play. If you want a fight, I'll give you a fight. I stood still waiting for her to strike first, which she did.
I dodged last second before she could hit me and swung my foil across her cheek. I saw the red liquid dripping down her face while watching her shocked expression. It was honestly very amusing.
The silence lasted for at least 10 seconds before the coach gave me the point. I smirked and pointed my red stained foil at her.
"Look who's embarrassed now. You want another round?", I sounded real confident.
"Tch.", that's what I thought.
"Thank you for this lovely game, miss Barclay."
I bowed, then turned around and walked out of the gym.
My destination... the infirmary.

(⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞ I know it's not a lot, but it's easier for me to write in smaller chunks.
also sorry for the long wait, it was real busy this week

his little raven ~ oc X xavier thropeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin