Chapter One {Picture of Cadence}

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   The sound of the rustle and bustle of the hospital, filled my ears as I lay on my back on the bed.  Doctor Daniels watched my monitors carefully, as I experienced the excruciating pain from the contractions.  My contractions were only a few minutes apart now.  Doctor Daniels, or as I called him, Dan, walked out of the room.  I could hear talking just outside the door, but I couldn't understand exactly what they were saying.  After a little while of talking Dan and a few nurses walked back into my room.  I stared at them, the words getting caught in my throat.  To be honest, I was terrified.  I had never been through this before and I was so young.  My mother wasn't the happiest person when she found out, and my step-father couldn't care less.  He never really paid attention to me, or cared about me much.  I hadn't particularly liked him either, so maybe that's the reason after the divorce I chose to live with my father until after I graduated high school.

   "Oww!" my low scream took the doctors and even myself by surprise.  They all exchanged looks at each other, before Dan walked over to me, pulling on his gloves, the other nurses standing around.

   "Lets have ourselves this baby," he smiled at me.  I tried to force a smile, but I couldn't.  No matter how hard I tried.  I gripped my stomach, as the last contraction ended. "Just breathe," Dan instructed me.  I took a deep breath and pushed as hard as I could, slowly my vision turned black, and everything around me seemed to go away. I didn't die did I?


   Eventually I found light, pulling me back to Earth. I opened my eyes, I was now in another room.  What had happened?

   "Randy?" That's when I remembered, Randy wasn't there. He never was. He got what he wanted and left. I'm not even exactly sure why I gave it to him in the first place. I didn't want to.

  Dan looked at me, "Would you like to see your new daughter?" he asked hoping it wasn't too much, since I had just gotten done going through labor.

   I nodded at him, as he left the room.  He returned a short while after carrying a light pink blanket, handing it to me delicately.  I took the blanket into my hands, feeling it's it's soft, warm, and fuzzy texture.  I slowly and gently pulled back the end of the blanket that was covering the little girls face, as I gasped.  Tears stinging my eyes, as I brought a hand up to my mouth.  I couldn't help, but cry, tears of joy and happiness.

   "Welcome to the world, Cadence Mae Oteri," I whispered.


((Two Years Later))

   "Momma!" Cadence wobbles up to me pulling on my pant leg, I look down at her smiling.

   "What is it sweetheart?" She points at her mouth, as she opens it.  That's how she lets me know when she was hungry.  I smile picking her up and twirling her around, "Of course darling."

   The way Cadence giggles makes my heart flutter each time, she's such a beautiful little girl, so full of life and happiness.  I carry her out to the kitchen, setting her in her high chair.  She kicks her feet around happily as I search the refrigerator for something to feed her.  I find some strawberry jelly, in the door and take it out looking at her with a hand on my hip.  "Peanut Butter and Jelly?" I question her.

   "Yes!" She answers cheerfully, clapping her hands.  God, she was so adorable when she does that.  I resume making her the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich she wants, as I lowly sing. "Momma," she whispers.  I look at her, as I spread the peanut butter on the bread. "Can y-you do that song you sing?" I smile as she tries to mumble out what she wants to come out, although it doesn't quite come out the way she expects it to and she pouts.  I know what she is saying though, so I smile as I cut the crust off her sandwich. Slowly singing the words to the song she loved so much, even though it was a sad song, she was only two and didn't know songs had meaning, she just liked the tune of it and how I sang it.

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