Late night shifts

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You sigh as you put your lab coat on. You were called in for work late at night and you were the only one there.

"God i hate this job" you start to babble to yourself "But i need this money so what else can i do" you continue on. You were supposed to observe an experiment and take notes reporting on apparently a new creature that was recently discovered. You honestly couldn't care less and just wanted to get the job done and over with so you could go back home and sleep.

You walk down the long white halls to get to room you must do your observation in. The creature would be in the room and it wouldn't take long because some information was already documented from a previous worker. You heard that something happened to her as you haven't seen her in a while but you paid it no attention.

As you reached the door you fondled with your keys to open the door the creature must be in. You twist the door knob open placing the keys in your pocket as you walk into the room closing the door behind you soon after.

"Let's get this over with" you sigh but to your suprise as you look around the room nothing is there. "What going on here??" you question mostly out of frustration because you're already exhausted staying up this late as you usually work today shifts. That is until you feel a liquid dripping slowly onto your head leading you to look up and your eyes widen.

The creature a bunch of tentacles was up on the ceiling of the room dripping an unknown liquid onto you. you slowly back into the corner of the room taking your phone out to ask your manager what you should do. but before you can even open your phone a tentacle is wrapped around your wrist by the creature which is now on the floor in front of you.

If you were to be honest this creature was massive piles and piles of tentacles all jumbled up together. and before you could protest you were pulled towards the creature and you stumbled and fell with your back against the creature.

And to your schock your clothes start to form holes in them due to the liquid on the creature that was falling on you. It's as if it's a form of acid eating away at your clothes leaving bare patches of your skin everywhere.

Before you knew it your body was wrapped with tentacles and you were being lifted into the air and you were completely naked.

"W-what are you doing put me down" you try to protest but obviously there is no response from the creature. The tentacles wrap around your chest and the sucker of the tentacle latched on to your nipples causing you so let out light moans. "n-no mnghh i said sto-" But before you could finish you thought about it for a second. This situation wasn't so bad now was it. You've been really pent up lately and you could use this creature to get rid of your sexual frustration, and besides it was like anyone else was in the laboratory with you anyways.

As you give in to your urges you let the creature roam around your body as it's longs tentacles are wrapped around your waist keeping you in the air. Another tentacle came towards you but this time in the form of a penis.

It slowly began to press against your entrance, you held back countless screams as the creature did this, you were terrified, i mean would you have ever expected to fuck something that's not even human?

The creature adjusted itself in front of your entrance and slowly began pushing inside of you. A trickle of blood escaped your body but soon you were comfortable with the size and it began thrusting. The tentacle kept thrusting until it was at a good pace and rhythm. Moans and cries left your lips as another tentacle forced its way into your mouth to silence you.

You felt as though you could pass out at any moment from this overwhelming feeling but it kept jolting you back awake with each thrust being harder than the last. Muffled screams, desperate whines, and pleas filled the air as your body was relentlessly being violated in mid air. You moaned loudly and your back arches so far it might as well have broken

The tentacle thrusts in and out of you continuously sending pure bliss throughout your body. Your eyes roll to the back of your head from over exhilaration. As the pleasure builds in your stomach you feel yourself reaching your high. As a strong knot is formed in your stomach before you know it you cum all over the tentacle as it release you from its grip and it keeps thrusting in your mouth until it reaches its high.

"Fuck that was amazing" you say to yourself. You were definitely gonna work a night shift again.

Heyyy besties i managed to upload again!! I hope you like this chapter. I would also like to say that requests are open so if you have any ideas please don't be afraid to comment them ❗️💞

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