Hayden frowned. "You and I are not just for sex, hook up, fuck buddies. I promise you that, Rowan B. Carroway."

And I just somehow had to believe this promise.

"Get under the covers and go to sleep with me." Hayden spoke.

We both got off the bed, so Hayden could unmake it. While he did that, I turned off the lights and climbed in when it was done. 

"Goodnight, Ro." he whispered in my ear.

I loved the feeling of his arms around me especially when he would pull me closer or give me kisses in the middle of the night. 

But just like that, I was back in classes, going to the cafeteria with my friend, studying in the library with my friends, and going to practice at night. 

I felt off today.

I could not stop thinking about what Hayden and I would turn into. Six months without a title or exclusivity was ridiculous, I knew that. But it was the sweet little moments that kept me around like the calls when he would check up on me, studying together, and him cuddling with me.

How did I get here? I couldn't stand him for years and now I was stuck in a situationship with him. Who would have fucking thought?

"You know it is an away game this weekend and we're not cheering." Naomi began. We just got back from practice and we were all sweaty and gross. "My dad is grilling this weekend, so I was wondering if you wanted to come home with me? We could chill by the pool, eat a lot of good food, and have a good time."

I nodded my head. "Of course."

At this moment, I was really proud of myself because I didn't think about Hayden. He did not make any plans with me this far, o why would I wait up on him? I was going to spend the weekend with my second family.

"When are we leaving?" I asked her.

"Friday evening unless we go out then Saturday morning and come back on Sunday." she informed me.

Spoiler alert, we ended up going out on Friday night for one of our friend's birthday, so we left for the Coleman residence on Saturday morning. We being Naomi, Micah, and I.

"Your music taste is horrible." Naomi complained. "Get off of my Bluetooth."

"Relax, Nao. We're literally only five minutes from home anyway." Micah said to his sister from the backseat. "Plus I know you secretly like this song and Young Thug. Ro said she likes this song, huh?"

"Don't drag me into your twin drama, thanks." I said as I scrolled through Instagram.

Naomi unlocked the door as we reached their house. "Mom, Dad, we made it!"

"Is that my children plus my bonus child?" Lisa (Micah and Naomi's mom) yelled out. I loved how she referred to me as her bonus child.

"It is!" I exclaimed back.

Lia walked out of the kitchen in a yellow strappy one-piece bikini with a sarong tied around her waist.

She gave all of us a hug. "Go get changed! I'm seasoning the meet now and your dad is outside getting the grill fired up."

We all agreed.

I went upstairs to Naomi's room and quickly changed in a simple black bikini. 

"You look so chic and sleek in that." Naomi complimented me as she tied her hair up. 

"Blue is your color." I complimented her bikini. 

"Come on lets go claim the chairs before my sisters can." Naomi said to me.

Good thing for us, her younger sister was too busy playing mermaid to even care about the chairs. So Naomi and I laid out on the chairs as we sipped on Miss. Colemna's homemade Mai Tais.

"Moments like this make life worth living." I looked over at Naomi.

"Damn right." she agreed.

Until we saw a figure standing in front of us. 

"Are you two prissy girls too good to swim?" Micah questioned us.

I lifted up my sunglasses and shrugged. "I don't know Micah, why don't you do a little aquatic show for us?"

"Oh really?" he questioned me.

I nodded my head. "Yes really."

"I gotcha." Micah walked towards me and picked me off of the chair in one swift motion.

"Micah!" I yelled. Then I noticed as he was walking over to the pool. "Micah Coleman! Don't you dare!"

He looked at me. "You know how to swim and you're smiling."

Ugh, that stupid smile that always gave away my true feelings. 

Micah started running full speed towards the pool and jumped in. We were definitely on the deep end because I couldn't feel the bottom.

I swam to the top and brushed my hair out of my face. 

"Wasn't that refreshing?" Micah swam towards me.

I squinted my eyes. "Eh."

I started to swim on my back toward the shallow end. "The water does feel nice."

"I got steaks coming up in fifteen minutes!" Mr. Coleman shouted.

"Rowan, do you want to have a handstand contest." Alaia, their youngest sister asked me.

I nodded my head. "Do you want to join, Micah?"

"Of course, I'll win." he joined in

Spoiler alert, Alaia won. The girl was in gymnastics. 

"Micah, can you at least get me a towel since you pushed me in? I want my steak while it is hot." I asked him.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, I will walk with you to the pool house."

We got out of the pool and I shivered as we walked toward the pool house. It was just the two of us as he was in the linen closet pulling out towels.

"Did you guys used to have a lot of sleepovers in here?" I asked as I looked around. They had LED lights on the wall, and a huge comfy couch to go with the flat screen that hung on the wall. A mini fridge, snacks, everything. 

"Yeah." Micah responded.

He turned toward me and I couldn't help but to nice his body. The perfectly defined arms, the abs, oh my gosh.

"Here you go." he handed me a pink towel.

"Thanks," I responded. 

Micah looked me up and down and smiled. "Are you still with ole boy?"

"I like to call it a situationship." I clarified.

He rolled his eyes. "You're too good for one of those, Rowan."

"I've been told." I looked at him.

"Promise me something?" Micah held out his hand.

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"If you finally let him go then you'll let me take you out to dinner." Micah suggested.

That kinda caught me off guard.

Not come over to my house or eat in the cafeteria, he wanted to go sit down and eat in a restaurant. 

And that was the bare minimum.

I took his hand and shook it. "Deal."

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