Getting Familiar in The Netherworld (pt.1/2)

Start from the beginning

"So Iruma, you wanted to talk?" asks Sullivan, his mouth was covered by his moustache but you could tell that he was smiling from his eyes. The room somehow seemed to look a lot brighter than a few seconds before.

The demon hums, prompting the human to start. Iruma looks at Y/n in desperation who just gives a thumbs up and mouths "I can't really help you here, Goodluck!", this also allows me to gauge how bad his case of Ultimate-Pushover-Syndrome is... adds the girl in her head.

The boy takes a deep breath "Right... so I-uh... about school-",

"What about school?" immediately asks the old man, his words echoing around the room as it grew brighter and brighter (what about school..? what about school...? what about school....?).

"Well, it's just tha-",

"Just what ?" (Just what? Just what? Just what?).

Iruma gets more awkward by the second, another sweat drop appears on his forehead as Sullivan prompts him more.

"Go on" (Go on.. Go on... Go on...).

A small squeak slips out of the boy's mouth, the thing is, I cannot actually say no!!

C'mon Iruma! Its almost there, just at the tip of your tongue... silently cheers Y/n

"I... just...",

say it, say it! You aren't as hopeless as I tho-

"... can't wait for it...".

He's hopeless concluded the girl, they both have the same half-dead expression as Iruma pronounces the last few words.

Yep, it is now confirmed, Iruma Suzuki is definitely a total and hopeless pushover...

Sullivan happily gives them their clocks which start to screech again in the twins' hands.


"Ok, We'll be off! See ya!" says Iruma before walking away from the mansion's front gates, Y/n takes a bit more time to properly say goodbye before catching up to him. "Have a good day grandkids!" calls Sullivan waving his arm goodbye, "Please be careful." adds Opera.

Once the twins were a good distance away, Sullivan happily pulls out a camera out of nowhere, "Now, we tail them! I have to get their first walk to school on video!", and he starts walking. The demon barely steps a foot on the dirt path when he feels a strong grip on the back of his coat which then started to drag him away with no mercy;

"I'm afraid you will be working from home today sir."

"Let me goooo! Opera wait!!!"


The humans were still walking on the dirt path in silence, the school wasn't in sight yet.

"It just occurred to me" says Y/n, "That we do have to act like twins... like- as if we've known each other since birth and grew up together, not like we just got kidnapped by the same demon...", the girl aimlessly waves her hands around as she says the last part and turns to Iruma, waiting for his response.

"Oh yeah, that... and having to blend in with demons..." the boy trails off, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"I wouldn't worry about that too much, as far as we know: humans seem to be considered a childish myth among demons. Anyone who tries to denounce our true identities will probably get ridiculed for still believing in our species. So we should be safe as long as we don't raise suspicion. In other words: don't stand out. " says Y/n, now walking backwards infront of Iruma, still waving her hands around.

I WANT YOU TO BE MY GRANDCHILD ( Welcome to demon school / reader) slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now