Chapter 1 : Unexpected Connections

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In the prosperous kingdom of Elmon lived a duke. Formerly a simple knight, he was noticed by the young king during a great battle where he saved the life of the sovereign, risking his own. He also did not go unnoticed on the battlefield, single-handedly decimating more enemies than thirty men combined, regardless of his wounds.

Grateful and impressed, the king offered him a medal, the title of duke, lands and his sister's hand in marriage. It didn't take more than a year for the new couple to be blessed with a son. The duke would have given his life for his child. But his wife preferred to flee with a servant, abandoning husband and child.

The duke and the king swore to find her and make her pay for her betrayal. If the Duke did not have special feelings for his wife, he could not bear the fact that she had so easily abandoned their son. He had become very protective of his child and gained a terrifying reputation for punishing anyone who dared approach his son.

If this story was told throughout the kingdom, Leslie Moonay had only heard it a month earlier, four years after the events, from the mouth of Gregory Wood, chief butler of the Duke's mansion. Although he felt some sympathy for the householder, Leslie was terrified of him. If Gregory had assured him that the duke was far from being a bad person, he had also reminded him that if he showed himself too close to the young master, he could lose his head.

Luckily, Leslie hadn't met the duke or his son in a month of work. Responsible for preparing meals, he only left the kitchen to go to sleep. It therefore took him no more than a week to relax and he was enjoying his work. He got along well with the other servants, especially with Flynn, who was in charge of the garden but often went into the kitchen to enjoy some sweets that Leslie cooked.

Things were on track to stay that way for a long time. But that morning, Gregory had entered the kitchen looking serious. Leslie had almost finished preparing their master's breakfast.

"Leslie, I need your help," the butler announced, "it's an emergency. You will have to serve the meal."

"That I serve?!" Leslie exclaimed, "but I'm a cook, not-"

"You told me you were a waiter at your mother's inn. That shouldn't be a problem."

"Serving in an inn and serving a duke are not the same thing! And why so suddenly?!"

"Well, that's tricky..."

The old man rubbed his head. Leslie was clearly going to get scared. He smiled and grabbed the delicate hands of the cook, smiling.

"Please, I have other things to prepare and the two servants in charge of the young master must stay close to him! Flynn will help you."

"Flynn?! Why should the cook and the gardener serve the meal?! Where are Karl and Sean?!"

Gregory looked at his pocket watch and walked out.

"You have no choice, it's an order. Flynn is coming to help you, hurry up, the duke likes punctuality!"

Leslie had no time to reply. The butler had already fled. Nervous and upset, the young man put the dishes on the serving cart. He was going to meet the duke for the first time and it terrified him. He feared that a single look at the young master would cost him his head.

He was finishing arranging the dishes and starting to push the cart when Flynn finally joined him. He seemed at least as nervous.

"I have already met the duke," he explained, "he is not that terrible, but I am not made to serve... I am afraid of making a mistake..."

"Do you know where Karl and Sean are?" Leslie asked as they walked down the hall.

"Uh... well..."


"They... they tried to get away during the night with things stolen from the duke."


"Hush! Not so loud. He is particularly angry today, you can imagine. If he hears you scream... I wouldn't want your pretty face to be damaged."

He smiled, trying to lighten the mood, but Leslie was completely freaked out. Such an act, if they had been caught, then Karl and Sean were certainly dead by now. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Flynn tapped his fingertip on his right cheek, just below his eye patch.

"Don't be afraid," he breathed, "you're so cute, I'm sure even the duke will never have the heart to hurt you." 

Leslie pushed his hand away, growling. They had just arrived at the doors of the dining room. He took a deep breath. Flynn opened the doors so Leslie could pass with the cart.

The duke had his back to them, and the back of his chair hid him almost completely. Leslie stepped forward, a little more reassured not to meet a murderous gaze as soon as he entered.

However, he did not have time to see the four-year-old boy properly, since the latter had jumped out of his chair and ran in his direction to throw himself against him.

"Mommy !"

Flynn and the child's two maids stood as petrified as Leslie. The young man had found himself cornered against the cart, the Duke's son clutched against his legs in a desperate attempt to hug him despite his small childish stature. Leslie tried to keep calm. He didn't even dare try to physically push the child away.

"Y-young master..." he stuttered, "I-I don't... I'm not... y-your mother...! I... I am... I am a man..."

The boy lifted his head to look at him. Leslie didn't dare say a word when he saw that little angel's face. His long red hair framed his pretty round face. His right eye was green and his left eye was blue. It was this element that shocked Leslie the most. Wasn't that particularly rare? Wasn't that a trait highly sought after by slavers? Was that why the duke was so protective of his son?

"Y-you see..." Leslie finally mumbled, "I-I'm not..."

"Mommy !"

The child didn't seem to mind. Keeping one hand tight on Leslie's leg, he reached out the other for a hug.

"Are you going to abandon me again, Mommy?" He begged, "You stay, right?"

Leslie wanted to respond with a hug. This child was adorable. But he restrained himself. If he did that, he was clearly going to be killed.

He jumped when he heard the chair legs creak on the floor, not taking his eyes off the childish face that demanded his attention. The Duke got up and walked until Leslie could see his feet in his peripheral vision. In his mind, he expected at any moment to feel a blade piercing his throat or chest. He was going to die. How could the duke forgive him?

"Dad !" Called the child without letting go of Leslie, "I found mommy!"

Leslie decided to raise his head. His good eye met the duke's black irises. He was a handsome, dark-skinned man with the same red hair as his son, but he seemed devoid of any emotion. Leslie felt his gaze pierce him.

"What are you waiting for ?"

Leslie felt his heart skip a beat as the Duke said those words. A deep, calm voice that sounded like a threat. But this question. What was Leslie supposed to answer?

"Your son asked for a hug, 'Mom'."

[Leslie Moonay - servant clothes - casual clothes]

[Leslie Moonay - servant clothes - casual clothes]

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