💜 Chapter 10 💜

Start from the beginning

Somehow, Nadeshiko looked a bit despondent as she spoke and Kusuo rushed to fix it, "You're right, there's a lot of homework. What do you think about doing it together?"

Usually, there was no way that Kusuo would ever spend his time with someone else. But this person was Nadeshiko. There was no way that Kusuo would never not spend his time with her. And as her eyes brightened at his offer, she eagerly smiled at him with a – "I would love that, thank you,"

There was never a need for Nadeshiko to thank him. Everything he was now... it was for her. Nadeshiko offered for them to do their shopping together and Kusuo decided that it was not wrong for teenagers to do their groceries together after all. It was very interesting until it came to his part. To the reason why he had initially come to the store –

Coffee Jello

"Good grief," Kusuo muttered in dilemma as he and Nadeshiko stood in front of the treat. "This is a tough problem," He motioned toward the coffee jellies. "This is the coffee jelly I usually get. This, on the other hand, boasts an impressive price of 183 Yen for 3 cups. That means it's 61 Yen per cup. If I eat 2 cups, that would be 122 Yen. That is cheaper than a jelly worth 138 Yen. Eating two jelly cups worth 61 Yen each or 1 pack of jelly worth 138 Yen... which will satisfy me more? It's this, the pack with three cups. Quantity over quality,"

All the time that Kusuo was rambling on and on about the coffee jelly, Nadeshiko had been listening to him in silence. But when he suddenly realised that she may judge him on the basis of his weird behaviour, he found her interested in his dilemma instead. She had picked up one of each coffee jelly offers, taking a look at, "How about judging on the basis of volume, Kusuo-Kun?"

"Volume?" repeated Kusuo, and he turned the cup upside down. "Oh! That's right! I see... the three-pack cups are smaller. It's not twice the volume. It's only 1.714 times larger. In that case, the quality of this one makes up for the volume. In the end, quality beats quantity,"

"It appears so," Nadeshiko replied, and she appeared rather amused at the way he was acting. "What have you decided then? Quality over quantity or quantity over quality?"

"I have 3,00 Yen," Kusuo explained. "I can buy 21 cups then. I can cover my desk with them. Wait. If I buy the packed ones, I can buy 16 packs. That means I can have 48 cups! That's crazy! I can sleep on a bed of jelly cups! I can even give one cup to each member of an idol group!"

"So, is that the right choice?" Nadeshiko asked, raising her eyebrows at him as she watched this thought process go down. "Quantity over quality or... quality, hm?"

For Kusuo had found his eyes falling onto what was advertised as 'FOR GOURMETS: FINEST COFFEE JELLY – which was just 55 grams but was being marketed for 2,950 Yen. Nadeshiko was quite amused as the pair of them went to the check-out station to get their stuff billed out.

"Is Kusuo-Kun happy with his decision today?" Nadeshiko inquired, looking at him with a twinkle in her eyes and Kusuo nodded importantly. "I see,"

"This only contains 55 grams of Jelly," Kusuo replied. "That would mean that the deliciousness of 48 cups is contained in this single cup? No... it's only coffee jelly. It can't be that unbelievably delicious. But it must be delicious. I used all of my current month's allowance,"

"Kusuo-Kun can be a bit impulsive as well, hm?" Nadeshiko commented. Kusuo looked at her, worried that she thought of him as being less likeable. "But it is so entertaining... Kusuo-Kun is so deeply in love with Coffee Jelly. I wish I felt similarly about anything,"

Deeply in love? There was only existence that Kusuo was deeply in love with. He couldn't fathom that he would ever be admitting something of this sort, but it was him of a new dawn: Kusuo was only deeply in love with Nadeshiko. He was more deeply in love with her than even this coffee jelly. Yet he could not tell that to her. Not yet, at the least.

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