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These are the rules you must follow while you are participating in this contest. If you fail to follow them then your form will be rejected or you'll be disqualified.

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1 )﹒﹒﹒ Be respectful !
Don't be mean to anyone. Treat people how you wish to be treated. Only we will be criticising and judging their works here, not you.

2 )﹒﹒﹒ Be neat !
Please fill out your forms neatly. Messy forms won't be accepted. Fill out your forms after you are done with all the rules. You'll find the link to the Google Form in the comments section.

3 )﹒﹒﹒ To participate !
You can't participate if you are a member of our community under the role you applied. Others, even if you think you are good or bad, still apply. You live once only.

4 )﹒﹒﹒Patience !
Please be patient with your results. We have a life outside Wattpad too, so, we request at least 3 weeks from you for each contest. Wait for us to cross-check your form as well. Make sure to complete the payments before you send in your form.

5 )﹒﹒﹒ Mode of submission !
All the accounts will be mentioned where you can send your submissions. We will take submissions through Gmail, Twitter, Discord, Instagram, Pinterest, Drive Links and Google Docs. Please be ready with them and learn how to use them.

6 )﹒﹒﹒ Roles & Levels !
The roles in this contest are graphics designers, bio designers, theme designers and judges. There will be 3 levels in total and we will eliminate contestants per level. It depends on the number of participants.

7 )﹒﹒﹒Judging !
Don't bribe the judges, it won't work because all the submissions will go through the hosts before being published. Any malpractice will result in a kick and disqualification. Maintain decorum, please.

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8 )﹒﹒﹒Follow !
Follow both TheHalcyonCommunity, permanently.
You'll have to follow the founder, KimIcy_03, later too, if you win. You can follow her beforehand too. Following the founder is optional for participation.

9 )﹒﹒﹒Shout-out !
Remember to give this book a lovely shoutout on your message board. We'll be checking.

10 )﹒﹒﹒Reading List !
Add this book to both your public and private reading lists. Wattpad doesn't tag sometimes, so, it's best to keep it in your private reading list so that you can get a notification when we update or publish the contest chapters.

10 )﹒﹒﹒Follow Your Judge !
You will have to follow your judge when they're announced. We will let you know which judges are mandatory to be followed as we have 3 levels.

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We will be waiting for your submissions! Good luck.

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﹙t.﹚ Halcyon 𓂃♡❜

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The Mall ; A Collab Contest﹙𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈﹚Where stories live. Discover now