Chapter One - A Decent Introduction

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Never once did Aurora Lee like waking up early. Sadly, it was an everyday occurrence. 5 am sharp, her alarm would go off. She'd groan and roll over to press snooze. Not even five minutes later, Aurora would receive a knock on the door. Her hand would return to grab onto the phone, turning off the alarm before it went off. Typically she'd use the restroom, get changed and head out to any form of testing needing to be done, but this day was different.

Her phone alarm went off at 7 o'clock on the dot. Aurora's glove covered hand smacked it off and she sat up. Her body had sadly awoken them at 5 due to the anxiety bubbling inside. "First day of school." She groaned, slipping off the bed. They grabbed her uniform that hung from a hanger. A note was attached saying "Don't forget to iron it next time. -S.A."  They pursed their lips as she put on the uniform, poorly tying the red tie. Her fingers shook, fixing one of the buttons. "Alright, it's go time."

She stepped outside, the boring tan walls dulling her mood. There were drawings from her childhood, teasingly framed by her guardian. Aurora would always flush at the poorly drawn characters. "What even is that? Is it a cat? Or a rat?" Was the common sentence whenever talking about the drawings. She looked away quickly from them. Shifting her body, she noticed the smell of fresh food. Eggs and bacon, to be specific. When Aurora turned the corner, she saw another note attached. "Made breakfast. Don't be late. Feed Fluffy. Food is in the hall closet. - S.A." A slight groan escaped as they turned. A gray tabby cat sat, as if he knew about the note all together. "Fine- fine. Give me a minute, bud." They leaned down to scratch their furry chin before getting up and heading to feed the cat.

Once the cat was fed, she sat down to feed herself. Aurora poked around the food. She truly tried to eat any she could, but failed. Compared to their old meal plans, it was a great upgrade. They felt too nervous, sadly, to eat anything. They did plead with themselves, trying to figure a way to eat. It failed.

Lee dumped the food down the trash, placing the plate into the sink. She wiped tears that began to prick their eyes. Every time this happened, her disappointment and hatred for her nerves grew. It was frustrating. "I shouldn't even try to go. If I can't even eat-" The purr and brush of warmth against their legs snapped them out of their momentary break down. Aurora couldn't help but feel thankful for the cat. A curl of her lips led to an inhale. "Okay. I can do this. He'll be with me the entire time. It'll be fine."


It was not fine. They had found themselves lost within the large building. From the third floor, Aurora could see most of the campus, including what they could assume would be their new living situation. They turned back, gripping their backpack close. Though within seconds, they ran into a person.

"Are you okay?" A kind voice cleared her throat in front of them. When Aurora looked up, a blush rose to her cheeks. There stood a girl, fit and proper, Her black hair was pulled into a side pony. Whoever this was- she definitely seemed perfect. "Hello?" A hand was raised slightly, waving back and forth in front of their face.

Aurora blinked, leaning back. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" She muttered. They took a moment to take in their surroundings, hoping no one was staring.

"Are you okay?" She repeated, a sweetness dripping with every word.

"Yes-me. I am fine, yes." Aurora stumbled, "Are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." She inhaled. "I got lost."

The girl perked up, "I'm okay, where are you trying to go?" She looked over at the wall, staring at the clock. "I have a bit of time before my class, so perhaps I can help?"

They swallowed a lump in their throat, "Oh. I'm trying to find Principal Nezu's office. I don't know where I am or how I got to this floor, to be honest." Aurora's cheeks grew red with embarrassment.

"Okay, this is definitely the wrong floor. Follow me, don't worry. I'm Yaoyorozu." She spoke a bit formally. Though for Aurora, they had assumed someone who looked so proper would.

"I'm Aurora." They stated plainly, glancing around. It felt slightly awkward, so they tried to find something they could talk about. "Thank you, by the way. It's my very first time in an actual school. You could say I've been homeschooled for a while and so when I saw this huge building I was like, WOAH." Aurora began to ramble on, "And I don't even know how I got up to the third floor. I just sort of landed myself there and then got distracted with the view- oh my god I'm talking nonsense right now. I'm so sorry."

Yaoyorozu giggled, her soft smile growing. "It's alright. One of my classmates actually rambles quite a lot. I am used to it, but I also don't mind." Her eyes wandered just slightly down to look Aurora in the eyes. "Oh, it seems like we're here. I have to get to class, but it was very nice meeting you."

"I'm going to die here." Aurora thought. They placed hands on her cheeks, trying to keep them from warming up even more. "Um- well. Thank you again. I hope to see you around. It'd be very nice to talk to you again."

"Don't feel too scared to approach me. I enjoy making new friends. Bye, Aurora." Yaororozu waved goodbye and headed into the crowd of students.

Aurora stepped into the main office, looking around. The clerk, as if knowing exactly where she was heading, pointed the way to the large door. They stepped over, knocking on the door. They stood patiently. At the "come in" they stepped inside. "Principal Nezu?"

"Oh, hello Mx. Lee. We were wondering where exactly you were. Honestly Mr. Aizawa was about to go out to look for you." Nezu sat at his desk, his paws out on the desk. His head gestured to the teacher.

Eraserhead looked to the side. "The apartment is close by. It wouldn't make sense if you were late." He huffed, "Now we have to have a quick chat before we get to class."

"Right." Aurora tensed, standing up straight. "I want to thank you again. Without you and Mr. Aizawa I wouldn't be able to have this opportunity."

Nezu only smiled, "It's no problem. But before you get to class, we have a few rules. First things first, you'll be allowed away from Eraserhead. But please do be careful. We've alerted the staff to alert him if anything does happen. That being said, you must not take your gloves off unless you are sure to touch an item."

Aurora remained quiet, nodding as the principal spoke. They were used to rules, used to the restrictions. But they were extremely happy that they were able to deal with people. People who didn't treat them like a threat.

"Because of the issues of villain attacks, if a villain happens to attack you need to stand down. That's something asked for all students until they get their provisional hero license." Nezu continued, "Even then because of the deal with the Hero's Commission, you can not use your quirk on a person. Use anything else as you may but quirk is off limits. Weekends you'll be allowed off campus for testing. With that, you should be okay to continue on."

Aurora gave a wide smile, "Thank you, sir. I promise I won't do anything to break the rules. I will make the most of this opportunity. Thank you again!" They hopped on their heels excitedly.

"I look forward to it. Eraserhead, you should head over for that training. I'm sure the students are finishing up their first lesson already." Nezu hummed, "Have a good first day, Aurora."

"Follow me. I'll explain what we'll be doing on the way." Aizawa moved, heading to the door. "Have a nice day, Principal Nezu."

They followed after, walking slightly behind the sluggish teacher. "Is there a lesson for today? Will I get to learn something? Something normal? Like, english?" Aurora bounced with every word.

Aizawa let out a scoff, "Aurora you go to a hero school now. Today's lesson will be a bit different for everyone." As they approached the door to exit, he turned to face her. "You'll have to do this in your gym outfit, the hero costume you designed is still in the making."

"Sir, what am I doing?" Aurora stopped her bouncing, a lump forming in their throat. They had been a bit blinded by the excitement to realize that they were in the top hero school in all of Japan. Not to mention that they had trained before with Eraserhead. They knew just how ruthless he could be.

He pushed the door open, looking back at them, "You'll be fighting the entire class." If they had known better, it even looked like Aizawa had a smirk.

It was then that Aurora knew they truly were going to die here.

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