Awakening & Escaping

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'issei speaking'

'Albion speaking'

[Albion thoughts]

[Issei thoughts]

{Albion speaking through thoughts}

{Issei speaking through thoughts}

'other speaking'

'other speaking'

(Mentioned before)

'Issei Lucifer' a deep and powerful voice had rung throughout Issei's head.

'h-hello' Issei had been puzzled at the unfamiliar voice and name he was unacquainted with, as all he was seemingly ignored.

'hello' Issei had decided to try again as he thought that after countless experiments and tests that he had finally gone insane'hahahaha I guess that old geezer finally did it he finally broke me huh'.

'Not yet young one' the voice debunked Issei's theory which had made Issei curious 'who are you then and what do you want with the "Lucifer hybrid"' Issei had hated that nickname as it was a reminder that he was truly unwanted behind the happy masks his relatives wore.

'At the moment what I want is not important but I am Albion the white dragon of supremacy and you are now the white dragon emperor sworn enemy of the red one' Albion introduced himself 'wait but wh-' issei had questions but Albion had cut him off 'Silence boy we must escape this twisted dungeon immediately'

'I'm with you there Albion but I can't out run them much less quietly escape this place' issei agreed

Albion had contemplated an escape plan for a few minutes before answering 'We need not leave quietly only quickly'

'ok so what's the plan' Issei had hoped he could leave this wretched family behind

'You use your chaotic devil magic to destroy the walls and roof's and then use your wings to fly out to freedom'
Albion explained

'There is only one slight problem my wings aren't strong enough to carry me'
Issei had felt disappointed in himself as now that he had a escape plan but couldnt exacute it due to his own weakness

'That is not a problem you must simply awaken my secret gear Divine Dividing and use it' Albion reassured Issei as it seemingly worked and Issei had a know found a new will, a will to live.

'Alright how do I awaken Divine Dividing' Issei questioned

'You must think of all your hatred and suffering then think of unfurling wings without unfurling your devil wings while also thinking of me as the vanishing dragon' Albion replied

Issei had done as he was told along with thinking of the chaos, strength and fear the heavenly dragons caused during the great war.

Then a bright flash of white and blue had cloaked the dungeon.The dungeon began to shake as a violent aura was unleashed for everyone in the surrounding area to remember the carnage from the vanishing dragon.

Once the flash had disappeared Issei had immediately noticed the large, robust and angelic wings of Divine Dividing.

The wings forearm was white and the feathers where blue with a crystal shape and where made out of the purest version of Albions energy.

With a flap of his wings Issei had felt a new draconic energy rushed through him as it clashes with his very existence.

Issei had immediately dropped to the floor. 'It would seem that my previous hosts still have an influence on the gear'Albion theorized

'What do you mean Albion' Issei had only felt this type of energy before.(when he had been stripped of his glorious 6 other devil wings)

'Next to all of my hosts have been either angels or fallen angels and once they were absorbed by the sacred gear it had begun to gain a holy influence' Albion explained

'And I have devil blood pumping through me so the gear is slowly trying to kill me' Issei had finished Albion's explanation

Issei had begun to rise to his feet and focussed on firing a large amount of his
magic to blast straight through a couple of the thinnest walls and ceilings.

With a huge beam of demonic magic he had reduced the dungeon to partial rubble.

Lucifer household pov

A large amount of holy magic had suddenly been released and a few moments later a large blast of magic could be seen in the air.

The household had immediately been shocked as the magic had hints of the vanishing dragon within it as the casters magic was instantly recognizable as Issei's.

Rizevim and his followers had immediately known what was going on, Issei was trying to escape

'Quickly all of you we must capture the hybrid' Rizevim command his followers.

Back to 3rd person pov

Issei had to flap his new wing a few times to adjust to the weight before lunching into the air.

As he flew out of the rubble he saw his grandfather and his followers running towards him.

'Quickly boy we must escape before it's too late' Albion said as he wanted to immediately leave as the chance be not rise again.

'I know but let me give them a proper good-bye'issei replied before casting a hidden spell to impale his grandfather and his demented disciplines.

To Rizevim's dismay, him and everyone following behind him they had been killed by a pike through the head or a series of bullet like holds throughout their body's.

These wounds would only be healed through angelic and devil magic as Issei had used the sacred gears magic.

Issei had then flown at full speed to the direction opposite of the Lucifer estate, and all he heard behind him was the cries of pain and loss but he didn't care as he finally escaped.

Creators comment

Not all chapters will be this long although I do eventually want them to be longer and I probably won't be pumping chapters daily.

So until next part bye bye

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