Serve It

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A/N - Had I completed this, perhaps I will soon, this probably would have gotten nasty as fuck. I actually had big plans for this one shot, I liked the premise. With that being said, enjoy this.


A cup of coffee: smooth, yet rich in taste, a delightful shade of cocoa, topped with the most flavorful cream, perhaps a caramel drizzle.

| Serve It |

Beyoncè's Pov

"Alright, that's the last one," I closed my laptop, looking over the last of the photos.

"I want to thank everyone for their help on this next drop, you each put it a great deal of work into making my designs come to life. With your help, we finished just before the holidays, so I'm glad to say it's a wrap here and you all are free to go home to your families."

An uproar of celebration came from each individual in the warehouse, we've been working on the next line of Ivy Park for the past 4 months.

I smiled at the sight, shouting and applause, valediction as they grabbed their things to leave the building. I was a bit saddened, to see all this time come to an end. It's been nonstop since the beginning, but I was going to miss being in the office everyday.

It's not like I had much to go home to.

Beginning to pack up my things, I picked up my purse and slung it over my shoulder. It was four in the afternoon, the sun shining behind the clouds.

Might end up raining later today, I made my way out the warehouse doors and to the area my car was parked.

Upon starting up the vehicle, I pondered on what my next destination would be. Go back home, huddled up in a blanket on the couch, watching reruns of my favorite shows?

Deciding that I wasn't in any rush to be home alone, a coffee sounded delightful right about now.

I knew the perfect place too, this cozy café not too far from here. Figured it'd be nice to enjoy a sip in the environment, the decor was warm shade or brown, resembling a wooden cabin. The fresh pine sent, medium lighting, I knew a window seat in my favorite spot would be more than pleasing.

When I arrived, I ventured to the counter to order my drink. The café wasn't crowded, how I liked it, only three others settled in.

My footsteps led me to the vacant area beside the window, the view matched with the atmosphere, definitely beats being home.

Y/n's Pov

I grabbed my coat, slinging it over my shoulder by the collar, making my way out of my private office and into the bar. Decked with a wooden counter, and a decently sized fridge, the bar suited a small kitchen area, a coffee brewer, and all the items needed by a barista.

Just as I was passing through the doorway, my ears caught a hold of a familiar order being placed.

"Will that be all for you today?" A small hum was given in response, soon the sound of the cash register clicking and footsteps trailing away.

Taking a detour from my original route, I approached the man working the counter, "Who's that order going out to?" I questioned out of curiosity, secretly hoping it was for who I thought it was.

"Oh hey boss, you headed out for the day?"

"Yeah I just finished up some sign offs," I came to a halt, watching as the barista grabbed a cup about to begin preparing the coffee, "Who's this drink for?"

"The blonde in the booth near the window," And just as the man mentioned, there she was enjoying the peaceful view as the rain fell almost soothingly against the glass.

To be honest, I had developed an unwavering crush for the woman, she'd stop by ever so often just to enjoy a good cup of coffee and the environment. That's something I felt proud of, to create a space for people to feel comfortable in, she had been one customer that fell fond of what I'd made.

I was fortunate enough to have conversed with the woman a few times, wanting to welcome her inside myself and wish her a grand afternoon. She always seemed like she had something on her mind, but by the end of her coffee session here, most of that tenseness seemed to evaporated.

She was a fine woman, smooth skin, easy eyes, with a great smile. That's how she caught my attention, one afternoon I'd arrived to tend to my business, and she was passing through. Like the kind woman I was, I held the door for her as she entered, and god did her smile get me going.

It had become a recurring theme, me expecting her appearance, I'd learned her schedule, the woman making herself cozy in the booth every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Maybe that was a bit odd of me, but I was just smitten at first glance.

"I can handle that, Koby," Yes, I wanted to make the woman a splendid cup of joe and bring it to her personally, just as another excuse to talk to her.

"You sure, boss? I know you were about to head home."

"It's all good, you tend to the rest of the customers, I got this one."

So he did, leaving me to prepare the woman's coffee. It'd be a shame if I ran an establishment like this and had no knowledge of how to make a good cup of coffee, so I prided myself in the knowledge of being a barista.

If there was one thing I was good at, it was this, so I got to work. Grounding some fresh beans, filtering them and starting up the brew. I slid the cover over her cup just before the brew had finished.

I hoped she wouldn't mind the extra wait, I just wanted this woman to receive a beverage worth the visit. Not that my baristas were bad at brewing, they were fantastic, I would know, I had taught them. It's just something about receiving it straight from the source that made the difference.

As I made my way over to the woman, her gaze shifted towards me. I'm sure she wasn't used to having the drink brought to her, this was a special occasion.

"Here you go, ma'am, I see you've returned."

Small talk, I was testing the waters right now.

"Thank you, and yes, I always enjoy the scenery. We've met before, right?" So I was remembered, what a pleasant surprise.

"Greeted one another a few times, I'm pleased to have you come back so often, means I'm doing right by my business."

Her expression perked up, in realization I assume, "Oh, you run this cozy cabin? That explains the familiar face."

"Indeed, mind if I join you? You always come in to enjoy the view, I figured I'd do the same," It's not often I get to sit and enjoy my own work, but the scene out the window wasn't exactly the vision I was talking about.

"No, not at all. Please do."


Should I finish this? Hit the little star, it'd be much appreciated. And comment your thoughts💙

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