#13 All truths Revealed

Start from the beginning

Jacob sometimes Bad guys like to return to the crime Scene

Ashley you really think she's that stupid

Jacob I did turn her down before she tried to flirt with me I told her no

Ashley good I hope karma coming back to bite her In the ass.

Time skip start of Raw

Monday night Raw opened up with the authority doing a promo talking about what happened to Joseph Martinez and actually breaking Character for a split second because we'll this was a human being that was almost killed as such every entrance and exit in Fort worth Texas has been shut down so in the next few hours there bound to catch her. Ironicly during the opening Match which was the Return of Nikki Bella taking on AJ Lee it wasn't for the Divas championship but both Women putting on a impressive Match most notably is that Nikki's speed had increased. And when AJ Lee was going for a Crossbody Nikki Speared AJ out of the air but she was careful about it not to hurt her. Quickly She Picked up AJ Lee lifting in the air Hitting her own version of her husband's Finishing Move The Last Ride getting the Three count and win after the Match was over they helped each other to the Trainers area

A little bit later off Camera

April You've gotten better how's Joseph?

Stephanie Martinez He's doing better he's going in for surgery but will still be out another 9 months

April damn that has to really suck he's a good guy And I'm sorry I said those things about you

Stephanie it's alright because of you and me meeting Joseph I'm actually a better person

April so if you and Joseph ever want to double date Phil and I would be more than happy to host

Stephanie that sounds pretty good April after He recovers we'll think about it.


While in Reno Nevada Joseph Martinez was using the bathroom when a man came into the hospital room Joseph hid in the bathroom and overheard the conversion

??? He's not hear probably went to get a bite to eat

??? we'll wait for him to come back there's too much heat on me as there is just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO YOUR JOB

??? Yes Ms Monet

It took a minute for Joseph to put it together but Danielle Monet aka Summer Rae and as quickly as possible Joseph sneaked up behind the guy just regaining his strength he hit the guy in the back of the head then put the guy in a sleeper Position knocking him out he waited for a bit Before Calling his wife and letting her know what has transpired and that the woman who was partially responseable for running him over had just hired a man to kill him. By the Time that he had called his Wife Stephanie was already At there house in San Jose California.

Stephanie I'm glad you called me because they Found Danielle She was spotted by The performance Center

Joseph so did she name her partner

Stephanie yes she told Malcolm he's going to reveal it in a segment upcoming segment

Joseph alright I'll be watching.

A few minutes later

For the first time ever On TV Malickai was emotional of course he was accompanyed by his friend Jake Helmsley they were guests on Miz TV despite the History Between The Hellhounds and The Miz and Mizdow both teams were having a hard time remaining in Character this was a emotional moment for everyone involved.

Malickai I'm going to get straight to the point I bet everyone's wondering what I found out just a few hours ago The other person involved with what happened to my friend Joseph Martinez is John Cena if you'll pay attention to the Screen please

As he points to the stage on the Jumbo Tron That Security Feed played of Danielle Monet aka Summer Rae talking to the Mysterious man who was in fact John Cena everyone was in Shock and awe Nobody could have seen this coming This felt like a ultimate Betrayal because John Cena was loved by so many but now he was going to be arrested for Attempted murder but he top tried to flee because he was still inside the building but in this attempt to flee John Cena was tripped by Saraya Bevies aka Paige seconds  later as the cameras were still rolling John Cena was arrested everyone watched as The Face that runs the place was arrested this was a dark day for WWE. As they went to Commerical it was revealed that the main event would be a Fatal four-way Elimination Match to determine who faces The Miz and Mizdow at Survivor series. But before that can happen Natalya would have to go one on One with her younger sister Jade Neidheart who said that she is light-years ahead of her. As soon as the Match got started Natalya shot out of Corner like a Bat out of hell hitting strike after strike Was filled with Purpose and Rage at one point Jade Neidheart went for a Power bomb but Natalya reversed it and locked in the Hart family Submission The Sharpshooter. With no other choice Jade Neidheart tapped out After the match was over Natalya offered a hand to her sister but Jade Slapped her hand away and hit a Sit out power bomb walking away with the entire Crowd of Fort worth Texas booing her. The first Team was making there entrance Kofi Kingston and Big E of the New day Jimmy and Jey Uso Sin Cara and Kalisto everyone was waiting for the Final team Malickai and Jake Helmsley The New Day looked In fear mostly Xavier Woods who brought up what happened a couple of weeks ago on Social media so Malickai was still really Pissed off.

Match Highlights

Sin Cara got speared through the Barricade by Jake Helmsley

Big E power bombed Malickai into a Pile of steel chairs but only Got a 2 count

The Usos did there Finisher the Uso splash on Kalisto with a steel Chair

Around Twenty minutes later the last two teams was Malickai and Jake Helmsley vs the New day Xavier Woods tried to help out but that proved to be there downfall as he was Power bombed into a steel Step by Malickai in the closing moments of the match Big E had Jake Helmsley in position for the Big Ending but Jake Helmsley was able to get out of it and kicked Big E in the Balls then quickly hitting the Pedigree getting the Three count and the win right before Raw went off the air Both Malickai and Jake Helmsley said that the Miz and Mizdow's days as tag team champions are numbered.

Author's note next chapter

Joseph Martinez has his surgery

Malickai and Jake Helmsley train for there match

Stephanie Brianna and Saraya have a girl's night out

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