Me: Does not mean, I cannot not sell. Trust me.

He then grabbed me by the arms and I looked like I was being beaten down and exhausted, and he brought me over where the kid was.

From what I know, he's gonna have the memory of a lifetime.

Matt: Give him what he deserves, little bro!

He went forward, and leaned me near the kids height, and, the kid gave me a light punch to my jaw, but I sold it by holding onto my jaw and screaming in pain.

I saw Matt giving that little squirt a fist bump with an explosion gesture as he took me by my trunks and pushed me back into the ring where he covered me, but I kicked out at two, until Matt held onto my arm and performed the Fujiwara on me!

I didn't scream in pain, but I made my legs hit the mat and I managed to get to the bottom rope with my heel on it.

Then, he sat me up, ran to the ropes and kicked me in my chest.

After that, he covered me for a two count, but after I kicked out, I sat up straight with no emotion, making the fans just laugh at what they just saw.

I was really wanting Matt to take me off my game, but he's not going home with the title, I am.

Matt tried again and he kicked my chest to knock me down, but I balanced myself and sat up straight again, challenging him to try again because I can do this all day.

He then tried again, but I kept my balance as I was feeling the mat on my lower back, but I didn't go all the way down.

Matt was feeling adamant about my durability, and looked to kick me again, but I caught his leg, stood up, attacked his leg with a punch, kick, and performed a Dragon Screw, on the bad leg, the very one I hurt at Takeover: New York.

I mean, Matt was selling it so well. He remembered what I've done then and he knew how to make this story progress.

I then went off on his leg with clubbing blows, trying to "break it", but Matt kicked me on the side of my head, near my vegetated ear, and he just couldn't stop giving me forearms.

I then managed to stand up as the two of us just went off each other with chops as this wasn't about submission holds and technical wrestling anymore.

It was war.

We were just chopping the shit out of each other to the point that everyone could visibly see the sweat being slapped off our chests!

We then ran to the ropes for a big move, but we clotheslined each other and we were down!

The fans stood up, applauded and cheered as I was trying to get back up on my feet.

Once we both did, we started trying to tap each other out with Fujiwaras until Matt picked me up and locked in the sleeper on me.

As Matt locked in the sleeper and was looking to tap me out as the ref was in front of me, asking if I wanted to submit, it was all coming together.

Matt was cool with the finish we discussed before the show as I wanted to prove me as a narcissistic asshole.

As the ref was asking me if I wanted to tap out, I turned him around and kicked Matt in the balls with my heel, making him release the hold and fall to the canvas.

Niemi: Oh come on! After a great match, you had to go that route! You son of a bitch!

The ref was asking if I hit him in his jingle bells, but I shrugged and locked in the Sleeper on Matt, making the crowd just boo as loud as they could and I smiled with such evil that Matt was out until I performed the Brainbuster.

I covered Matt as the crowd didn't bother to count with the ref as they just booed and jeered as I won the title a second time.

After the bell rang, the fans started throwing garbage in the ring, but I didn't care! I was enjoying the heat I was getting!

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner for this match, and the new WWE NXT North American Champion, "The Prodigy", Ren Hosako!

My theme played as I was getting booed out of the building!

Instead of being deterred by all the garbage I was being thrown at, I laughed and laughed as I really didn't care if a beer can or a piece of garbage was thrown on my back, chest, arms or leg, I was laughing so maniacally!

To earn more heel heat, I went out of the ring and grabbed a chair as I looked to "destroy" Matt.

When I looked to "annihilate" my sworn enemy with the Brainbuster onto the chair, a familiar song played for the fans as the crowd went nuts.

Niemi: Wait just a minute!

As he came out with a glare, I threw Matt aside and I dared him to come into the ring.

When Johnny did walk up and entered the ring, I jumped out of it, grabbing my new title, causing the fans to boo much louder than they already were.

I smiled as I took the mic and said this simple thing, in plain English...

Me: We fight... ON MY TIME!

I threw the mic down and laughed as I struggled to get to the back from the fans who were flipping me off and just wanting me to fight them!

Fan: You don't deserve it, Hosako!

Me: Go fuck yourself!

I got to the back as Masami was in a panic.

Masami: いかなくちゃ! 外で暴動が起こっています! (We have to go! There's a riot going on outside!)

Me: 何?! (What?!)

Masami: 私があなたに言うとき、私を信じてください、カイ、人々は腹を立てています! 奴らに殺される前にここから出なきゃ! (Believe me when I tell you, Kai, people are pissed off! We gotta get outta here before they kill us!)

We were in such a rush, I didn't have time to cut a backstage promo! Instead, I just put my track jacket on, we ran to the car, and we drove like hell!

I managed to put on my track pants as we found a hotel to stay the night, but after we got a room to stay in, I immediately went in the shower, taking off my gear and everything.

After the shower, we slept in the same bed until we had breakfast and left for Orlando, but Matt sent me a text, saying...

Matt: We couldn't meet up after the riot, but that's cool. Regardless of what happened afterwards, great match, dude! I hope this story progresses as we get more intense!

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