Chapter 6: Lavender, Drawings, and Mysteries

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"I'm quite aware doctor! Still grosses me out though." You admitted, glaring at him for laughing at you.

"Yet you have no fear when studying bacteria and the sorts?" He asked questioningly.

"Of course I do! -but not the same kind of fear. Bacteria isn't.. slimy, and doesn't suck my blood.. or stick to me? You know what I mean!" You say, looking around the cabinet once again.

"Oh! You have this too? I read in your papers.. it calms you down." You grab the medium-sized bottle of dried lavender.

"I could tell. You seem to know a lot about me, doctor." He said.

"If I knew a lot about you, I wouldn't be looking through your- huh?" You stopped, looking at him, "You could tell what?"

"You smell of lavender." He said, leaning over you.

Heat quickly rose to your face, pushing him back and setting down the bottle.

"Okay! You seem to be the one who knows a lot about me, doctor!" You laughed nervously, turning away from him and back to the cabinet, distracting yourself with all the different bottles.

Suddenly, a voice came through your pager.

'Dr. Y/N, requested materials and furnishings have arrived for 1048.'

"Oh! That was fast!" You said, pressing in the button on the pager to respond, "Affirmative, I will be there soon."

Letting go of the button, you turn to face 049 to find him looking suddenly... stressed?

"1048?" He asked, his voice sounding odd.

"...oh! Last night, well, I ran into 1048. Uh, more like it ran into me. They put me in charge of the little thing, I read up about it and ordered items for its room in containment." You said, "Do you know.. 1048?"

"You shouldn't be around 1048, it's not safe." He said sternly.

"That's a little bit hypocritical, coming from someone who also performs surgeries," you patted him on the arm, "but no need to worry Doctor, I'm being very careful. I do need to get going now, but I'll see you again soon, I promise!"

Turning around to leave, his grip quickly wraps around your wrist, stopping you.

"" You asked, looking at him.

"Why is 1048 here?" He asked quickly.

"Uh, I- I don't know. I can ask it?" You answered just as quickly.

A moment passed before he let you go.

You left 049's containment with your gut feeling... off.

He never acted like this before, it was concerning to say the least. 

Why was he worried? Does he know 1048? Why did he stop you to ask?

Arriving to 1048's containment, you open the door, the teddy bear very excited to see you.

You're not sure how all the furnishings and toys were already all set up in 1048's room, but it looked wonderful!

"Hey buddy! How are you doing?" You asked, kneeling down.

It quickly showed you the magnetic drawing pad you asked to be given to him.

"Oh wow! I'm so glad you got that! Do you like it?" You asked, sitting down.

The new carpet in here was nice too. You didn't ask for the colorful wallpaper that was put in, but it was a great touch.

The teddy bear nodded, drawing a large smiley-face on the board, then wiping it away with the built-in slider.

Remedy (SCP-049 x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin