Not Gonna Write You A Love Song 📝(Weekend Extragenza)

Start from the beginning

"De stoooppp" I hysterically laughed but seriously getting dizzy. He turned me around nipping my neck causing me to lose control of my balance. I hated being tickled and he was such a tickle monster, I had to get him off before he took a blow to the nose. I bit into his shoulder causing him grunt.

"Ooohhshit girl" he hissed letting me go holding onto his shoulder.

"Ooooh De I'm sorry" I said catching my breath "I really don't like being tickled though. Does it hurt?"

I rushed over analyzing the bite mark that pierced his skin. I felt really bad. Checking to see if he showed any signs of discomfort, it wasn't there.

He had that other look in his eye.

"Yeah" he aired "But I liked it...". He drove his mouth into mine, tongue kissing me further my mouth to part.

Shit! I told myself I wasn't gonna do this anymore. His thick muscle soon intruded.

"Mmm" he moaned into my airway. Lord he tasted so good and he sounded so good.

Thankfully, his pants vibrated as our lips parted for air.

Reaching down into his pocket, he held one finger to my face, and answered.

"Waddup?" he greeted. He went silent for a moment listening to whoever he was talking to.

A smile appeared.

"Wassupp little man" he went over to the counter leaning on it "Watchu doing. You being good for grandma?". I silently went over to the fridge grabbing our drinks listening to him talk to his baby boy. It was the sweetest thing, getting to see this side of Devantè not many others got to experience.

I placed the soda in front of him as he nodded in terms of thank you. I took a seat on the far end looking at him smiling and laughing as his offspring told him a joke.

Damn. Now I was picturing having kids with him. Did he even want more kids? I wouldn't...object to the idea. Ugh! Why was I being like this. He's suppose to be my MENTOR I can't go there with him anymore.

"Aight put ya grandma on the phone". He waited a moment before the his mother came to the phone.

"Hey mama how you doing?" He smiled "You good you and Justin need anything?". I could hear her on the other side fussing right off the bat. I could tell she was a strong woman who had her household in check.

The bickering between the two was hilarious.

"Dang Mama I was just asking a question" he huffed playing with the soy packet. "You always fussing when I'm looking out".

"And I told you I don't need you providing. I wiped ya behind you didn't wipe mine" she sassed "I got my grandbaby Donald. Oh I seen a picture of you the other day, why you got yo head looking like that?

Look like ya 6-year-old ready for Easter". I covered my mouth to reframe from laughing, Devantè looked over my way as he threw the sauce packet.

I jumped back in shock as I picked the condiment up and tossed it back. He twisted his hip trying to shield himself.

It went like that for a second then we found ourselves running around the counter while he stayed on the phone like he wasn't getting attacked.

I finally gave up but then he grabbed me into his chest tracing my bare shoulders, then stroking the back of my nape.

He loved physical touch which was another weakness of mine.

"Aight Ma. I'm fixing to eat then head back into this studio" he paused "Aight love you woman and tell little man I'll see him soon".

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