chapter 2: beached memories

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We arrive at the hotel, my family drowsy because of the major Jet-lag, I mean we did go back 3 hours. I'm wide awake ready to see what California has to offer hoping it's amazing so that I can relax.
I begged my parent to let everyone have their own rooms because it wouldn't be a vacation if I was forced to share a room with the brats I call my brother and sister. They finally agree and we get our bags taken to the rooms. when we get a tour of the hotel I'm already excited by the overload of hot guys Ohio definitely does not have. We get unpacked and I put my swim suit on & go to the hotel's kitchen to grab a snack, while the rest of my family takes naps. I grab my penny board, towel, and backpack and head down to the boardwalk. while I was riding a really attractive guy starts riding next to me on his penny board. so like any other person would I slowly drift away trying not to be rude, but he smiles and starts riding close to me again.
uhh what do I do? is he flirting? wait but he's a stranger should I run away? He's too hot to be a creeper though!
I think to myself. Instead I get off because I've reached the beach. "okay if he gets off too I know he's following me" I whisper lightly to myself. And what you know he gets off too. "OKAAYY! dude what's up you're kinda creeping me out here...I'm not from here so I don't know if Californians are usually this friendly or not!"
"wow I'd thought by now you'd recognize me Aspen!" he says with a slight smile and giggle. I look at him confused and begin to recognize his familiar face but not his impeccable abs! "STEVEN KELLY?! OMG"
Steven was my bestfriend from 9th to 11th grade but he moved to California because of his moms job which was part of the reason I didn't have many friends senior year. "YEAA!" he says while running, picking me up, and giving me a big hug.

"what are you doin in cali?"

"uhh you know a family vacation before I go off to college"

"awesome! gosh you look amazing.. he says blushing looking down at my body in my bikini."
I blush forgetting I'm pretty much half naked in front of him
"hahaha you too!"
I say trying my best to keep my eyes off his abs.
"can I hang with you and catch up I mean we haven't talked in forever...God I missed you Aspen!"
he says coming in for another hug.
"Yes!! and same we definitely need to catch up."
we spend the next 4 hours talking about everything that had happened after he moved. It was like he never left; we instantly bonded like we had in 9th grade.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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