Chapter Two in Prims Pov

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Today was the day of my first date. I dress in a white shirt, with a green vest and blue skirt. Katniss puts my hair in a wavy ponytail. She's excited for me and Colin to go on our first date, even though it'd probably just be getting a sugar rush at the sweets shop.

"There you go, Prim. You look so pretty!" Katniss tells me, making me smile. I don't think the "love" between Colin and I will last long, so I have learned to cherish it. Just like I did when we lived in the Districts. When we were poor.

Colin arrives at my place with his Gryffindor outfit, and his attempt of good hair that actually looks like the wind just murdered it. This makes me laugh. He also has his camera. Of course. He takes pictures of toothpaste, so it's obvious he'll take them on his first date.

Katniss hands him about forty dollars. "Not something too expensive, okay, Creevey? And if there's change, you know where it goes." Of course. She needs more money.

"Got it." Colin says and then turns to me. "Come on, Prim. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't really know. What about . . . "

"The taco store!" Colin squeals. I jump up in enjoyment. The taco store sounds perfect. It's a sit-down place, not to childish, but not too fancy, either.

So that is where Colin and I go. When we enter, we get to pick a seat and then we order. Colin orders a burrito instead. It looks like a wrap that merchants sometimes bought.

The whole day we joke and laugh. When it gets dark, Colin walks me home, and on the way, we still giggle and joke about random nonsense.

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