The Hellfire Club

Start from the beginning

"Already? What time is it?" Max asked as she sat up.

"7:00." Liv said as she buttoned her jeans. "Come on, get dressed!"

Max stood up from the bed and grabbed her clothes as Liv put on her shirt. Max got her clothes on and picked up Liv's jacket from the floor.

"Max, that's mine." Liv told her.

"I know." Max said as she put the jacket on in the mirror and noticed the amount of hickeys on her neck. "Livie!"

"What?" Liv stood behind Max in the mirror.

Max turned around and pointed to the hickeys on her neck.

Liv smirked. "Sorry. I got a little carried away."

"A little?" Max tilted her head.

"Here." Liv got some foundation from her backpack and applied it to Max's neck. "There. Good as new."


"Let's go before Steve kills us." Max said as she grabbed her backpack.

Liv grabbed her backpack before she and Max ran out of Max's trailer and over to Steve's car. Max opened the backseat door and Liv threw her backpack in before getting in, with Max getting in after her.

"Happy birthday, Liv!" Robin yelled as she turned to look at the two girls. "Wow. You really did a number on Max's neck."

"What?" Liv furrowed her eyebrows as she buckled her seatbelt.

"I can tell when people put on makeup to cover up hickeys." Robin said.

Liv and Max shared a look as Max buckled her seatbelt.

"Uh, so, anyways... happy birthday, Liv! I wanted to be the first person to give you a birthday gift." Steve smiled as he handed Liv a box.

"I think you might be the second." Robin smirked.

Liv took the box and opened it to reveal a new comic. "Thanks, Steve."

"You're welcome." Steve smiled and started to drive to school.

"Wanna read it with me?" Liv asked Max.

"Of course." Max smiled.

Liv smiled and turned so that she was leaning on Max's chest. She opened the comic and the two of them started to read it.


"And then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. So it's like do I really wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex? I mean, I just- I don't know. Does that make sense to any of you?" Steve looked at Robin and then into the rear view mirror and saw that none of them were listening to him. "Robin, Liv, Max, are you listening?"

"Uh, yes." Robin lied as she applied mascara.

Steve looked into the rear view mirror at the two girls who were giggling about something that happened in the comic. "Hello? Liv, Max!"

The two girls ignored him.

"Steve, let them be." Robin told him.

"They're not listening to me." Steve complained.

"Well, they're teenagers in love. What'd you expect?" Robin asked.

Steve sighed. "Livax!"

"What?" Max and Liv yelled at the same time.

"Are you two listening?" Steve asked.

"Uh, yeah." Liv waved him off.

"What did I just say?" Steve wondered.

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