Chapter One

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When Mika woke up, the first thing she noticed was she was seated upright in a chair. Her next thought was she must have fallen asleep in class, but that idea was retaliated when she came to the much scarier realization that her hands were tied to her seat. Her eyes snapped open, and she glanced down to notice she was in her hero costume. She must have gotten knocked out and relocated during a mission. She was almost a little relieved to notice she was in her costume. Shout0ut had been in this situation before and could work her way out of this. Mika Macklin, on the other hand, had not. Only question was, where the hell was she?

Mika looked up and glanced around the room. The room was dimly lit by some buzzing lights overhead. The lights would flicker on and off, as if indecisive about their status. They would settle on being on for a few seconds, decide to try being off, and then rapidly change their mind and switch back to on. Behind her, was a set of stairs going up, but not a set going downwards. There weren't any windows or doors either, making the set of stairs her only option out. The place almost reminded her of a subway, or a train station. From the context clues, she guessed she was somewhere underground.

She couldn't help but notice the room looked like one for interrogations. One hell of a vibe this place was giving, between the buzzing lights above head, the table in front of her, and the person seated on the other side.

Mika instinctively gasped upon noticing them. Oh fuck. How long had they been there? Their feet were planted on the table, and they rocked back in their chair, almost relaxed. A lot calmer than Mika was, at least. Hearing the gasp, they sat upright and looked up with a smirk, noticing Mika was awake. "Oh wow," they said slowly, "You sure are a heavy sleeper."

Having just woken up, it took Mika a second to process. They must've noticed, from the way they proceed to lean forward, helping her map out their face. She knew that voice, that smirk, that person. She squinted, looking at them "..Volt? Where are we?"

Volt put her arms behind her back and mimicked the way Mika had been struggling with a dumb grin on her face. It was almost theatrical. Any concern Mika had quickly vanished. Mika huffed. "You forgot, didn't you?" Volt marveled, relaxing in her chair again.

And she had. It was as if her brain purposefully denied the memory, hoping that any denial of the event being real would be enough to convince the universe to turn back time and prevent it from being so. Mika turned away, dropping the awkward eye contact. "I'm guessing you don't have me here to beg for your spot on danger force back, so what is it you really want?" She sighed.

Volt rocked out of her chair and walked next to Mika, waving what seemed to be a file, "I want you to help me find someone." She dropped the file in front of Mika, and opened it. Several pieces of paper tumbled out, and Mika looked over them.

Mika had been able to find people with less, and Volt obviously knew that. The challenge in itself was enough to motivate Mika. But as much as she wanted to solve the puzzle, helping bad guys was against superhero code. Even if that bad guy was her Ex-Best friend. She scoffed, turning her attention back to Volt "Why would I ever help you? How do I know you don't have plans of framing me for something super evil?"

Volt collected the small sheets, placing them back into the file, "Let's just say, they kind of stole something from me." Mika heard the electricity before she saw it, looking down just in time to notice the small sparks build up and dance around Volt's finger tips. Volt quickly balled her fists, and the electricity vanished as quickly as it appeared. As quick as it was, it was enough for Mika to tell Volt was getting frustrated. "This guy sells parts to villains, parts typically used to make traps and weapons, and that's technically illegal right? I'm pretty much handing you a criminal."

"And if this guy is selling important parts to bad guys, by capturing them we would instantly see a decline as villains would lack crucial items they need to commit crimes..." Mika mumbled under her breath, thinking out loud. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Volt perk up, obviously delighted by her interest. The pros brutally out weighed the cons, and it was difficult for Mika to ignore that. Despite this, she still shook her head "I.. I really don't know. Working with a villain is still working with a villain."

The same dumb smirk from before reappeared on Volt's face. She knew she had won Mika over. She was so damn charismatic that saying no was difficult enough that Mika had to dance around the phrase. Volt was using this to her advantage, and it was extremely obvious.

Mika's full attention had been on the file, until she noticed Volt fishing something out of her pocket. A phone. "You haven't updated your password, have you?" Volt teased, typing a familiar combination into the device. She messed with it some more before tossing it into Mika's lap and collecting the file. Mika shifted, trying to look at the phone's screen. It was her phone, she hadn't even noticed it was gone!

The screen was opened to a text convo from Miles. Volt had pinged their location, and sent it to him. Knowing Miles, he was likely frantic. Mika finally turned her attention back towards Volt. She was halfway up the stairs by the time Mika turned. Volt just shrugged "You're brother will be here soon so I'm gonna dash. Don't tell him we had this little meeting, but promise me you'll think about it, kay?"

And just like that, Volt was gone.

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