Studying and Separation

En başından başla

We hadn't heard the full story from either side but we had grown so close to the both of them and it'll be upsetting to not see Luisa in the paddock anymore given that she was the first girlfriend we had met right at the beginning of my relationship with Charles.

We finished our dinner and spent a few more hours learning more about some of the other students in our class that we had never had the chance to engage with due to Julietta's intimidation. Around 10 o'clock, we said our goodbyes before Em and I tidied up and went to bed, ready for our first day back in the dental hospital.

- -

The atmosphere in university was completely different when we walked in on Tuesday morning. Everyone was happy, chatting to each other and sharing stories from their time off over summer.

Emma and I paired up in our clinical skills group to practice extractions on our dummies


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Our morning was finished quickly and the tutors let us go early so Emma, Aimée, Sharon and I decided to spend our afternoon relaxing down by the port.


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Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

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- -

Thursday finally came around meaning I would be seeing Charles in a matter of hours when he picked Emma and I up from the airport in Amsterdam. We had checked in and made our way through security, finding seats at our gate as we waited for the plane to board.

We had been sitting for around five minutes, scrolling through our phones when a young girl, maybe around twelve or thirteen, appeared before us, drawing our attention away from our screens

"Oh my god, can I get a photo with you both?" She asked excitedly

I immediately turned to Emma and was met with the same confused expression I held on my face

"With us?" Emma asked "Are you sure?"
"My friends at school will never believe I met Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc's girlfriends if I don't have photographic evidence of it" the girl replied

Not wanting to leave the girl disappointed, we both stood from our seats and posed for the photograph her mum was taking. She then began to rifle through her backpack before pulling out a handful of envelopes

"Would you be able to give these to the drivers? Me and my friends made bracelets to give to them incase I met them this weekend" she rambled, holding out the packages for us to take

Emma looked at the letters, then at me with the confused expression still clearly evident so I took them from the girl and placed them in to my bag

"I'll try my very best to get them out to everyone" I smiled at her and her mum as the girl beamed with happiness
"Oh my god, thank you so much! Charles is my number one favourite driver on the grid" she squealed
"Mine too" I laughed

She thanked us again for the photo and skipped back to her seat, gushing about her interaction to who I assumed was her dad as her mum stayed behind to talk to us

"Thank you for doing that, I hope we haven't bothered you" she spoke quietly
"No not at all, I think we're both just a little in shock because it's our first interaction we've had with it just being the two of us. We don't get asked for many photos whilst the boys are around" I laughed
"Formula 1 has become her whole life this past year, probably mostly to do with your boyfriends" she joked "so we thought we'd treat her to an early birthday present and take her to her first race. She's not stopped talking about it to her school friends for months now"

Suddenly a thought popped in to my head, that would take some serious sweet talking to Charles to swing but I'm sure I could make it happen.

Her mother and I shared contact details just as the call came out over the tannoy for the plane to start boarding. Emma and I collected our belongings and made our way on to the plane, settling in to our seats

"What the fuck just happened?" Emma laughed, still in shock
"You just had your first real fan encounter Miss Smith" I laughed back, shaking my head at the ridiculous turn our lives had taken this year

~ Author's note ~

Sorry it's just another rubbish filler chapter since there's no current drama happening

Thank you guys for the likes, comments and all the interactions that have kept this at the #1 spot on the charlesleclerc tag for a good while now. I don't know if anyone actually pays attention to that but I'll take it as an achievement🤣

Love you all loads 🤍

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