Sumeru days

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3rd pov:

Two weeks had passed since the battle. A week since the victory celebration.

Nilou and Y/n walked together in the city streets, arms hooped together.

"It was the best dance lesson I had ever given. The children were so kind too!" Nilou said happily, telling Y/n about her newest group of youngsters who wanted to learn dancing. Since her rebellion against the dancing rules two weeks ago, Nilou suddenly got a lot more popular.

"That's wonderful! I'm sure they'll do great at the theater, considering their excitement." Y/n replied.

Then Nilou stopped walking and had a happy look on her face. "Oooo! Y/n, look at those cute new dresses! Let's go see them!" She said happily and dragged a chuckling Y/n with her to the store.


Y/n was now dancing around in the desert. Lanterns and fires lit for her and her eremite friends.
All of their figures lit up in the pitch black sky along with the dark sand flying at their feet's movements.

One of the eremite girls with pigtails grabbed ahold of Y/n's hand and twirled her under her arm. Y/n twirled her as well, and soon they were all a laughing mess.

The masculine part of the party were simply practicing blade movements, a few danced along with partners.


Y/n pov:

I sat on the bed in the sanctuary. Nahida had been kind enough to give Kunikuzushi a bed to lay on. As he still hadn't woken up, there wasn't a word coming from his mouth.

I sat in silence, braiding another piece of his hair.

Nahida had predicted this to be the day he would wake up, but perhaps she was wrong?

I groaned in annoyance. To be honest, I didn't know what to do once he woke up either, maybe it was better if he didn't wake up yet, just until I actually had a plan.

I braided more of his hair.

I couldn't let him out of the sanctuary, Nahida wanted to keep him safe here, or more... keep the city safe from him here.

But he couldn't do a lot of damage now, could he?
Nahida concealed his powers, it's not as if he could do a lot of damage...
And I've practiced my own powers a little, I would of course keep an eye on him.

I braided one final piece of his hair.

He couldn't do anything bad as long as I was there, so what was the problem?
She made ME responsible for him...
I'll just figure out what he thinks when he wakes up.

I sighed and loosened all the braids I had filled his hair with. Then I turned and looked at the wall.

"Done with my hair?"

I jumped and turned to look at him. "You're awake." I said simply. He was awake indeed. Looking at me as he calmly laid in the bed. His eyes fixated on mine.

Then he sighed with a smirk. He crossed his arms behind his head so they acted as a pillow. He closed his eyes as if he was relaxing.
"Pity, it felt nice having your fingers run through my hair." He said. Isn't he being a little straightforward?

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now