fifteen. boy with suns for eyes

Start from the beginning

But it's truly a wonder why he looks at her as so.

He stepped closer, Arwani chuckled as she took a bit of a step back to leave a but of between them just to play along.

" What is it that you're trying? " Arwani stared at the boy, before bumping into a tree behind her. Her head tilted slightly upwards for her to look at him as he slightly towers her.

" Nothing that you should fear. "

The Metkayina girl frowned a little before a smile broke through, gazing at the boy with suns for eyes. Her grey eyes tracing his pretty features, finding no ill intent hiding behind them. " Are you hitting on me, Neteyam? "

" Maybe- Tag! You're it. " He suddenly tapped her shoulder, and made a run jumping into the water of the cave they were in. Arwani left a little stun but nonetheless she followed after his antics.

It did take a moment to process it as she then bolted too.

Playing along, as the girl could his childish laughter as she ran after him. Jumping for the waters and calling for her Ilu to follow after the runaway boy.

The ocean floor was lit with in colourful lights from the corals, her own smile making it's way. The dark sky with its scattered stars, adding more details for Arwani to remember in this blissful moment. The small sea creatures, swimming by her feet, the wind breeze sending shivers to her wet skin and damp wavy hair.

Grey with hints of pearlescent searched for Neteyam under this one starry night.

Once she spotted him, did she followed after. Her hand skillfully wrapped on her Ilu as she rode against the currents to catch up to him—

The question was, did he even know where he wanted to go?

Once somewhere near, she took a guess of where he was leading her to; their tree of souls. She surfaced the waters as she entered, slowly she turned to look around. The waves of water that sounded to her dipped leg made her turn to her left, sensing his presence inching  nearer and the younger latter just surfaces slowly.

" Hi, " He bashfully made his presence known, Arwani's eyes we're squinted in a smile- " Hello. "

And, the boy was then roughly pushed off his Ilu by Arwani. Neteyam popped out from the waters, wiping the water off his eyes a playful offended look sat on his face. " Tag you're it. "

" Wow, " He sounded sarcastically, looking upwards to the grinning older girl. " Wow, indeed. "

But then the girl looked forwards then back to him, " Why here? "

" I just thought this place was beautiful." Arwani offered her hand at that, so the swimming figure could mount her Ilu with her to go further. But instead,

It was very much well predicted. He pulled her too. And he was laughing like crazy. She came up, with a failed look of annoyance— at least she wanted to look annoyed but fails miserably with the soothing echoes of his laughter.

" Wow, " She now said it. " Wow indeed. "

He replied back, as she pulled him back to her Ilu and mounted Ley'fe. Sitting in front of him, he was giggling like a child.

" You sure are happy tonight. " As they headed forward, glowing lights from the tree basking in a different light that illuminated each of their own features more elegantly.

" How can I not? You make me feel like a child. " Neteyam commented, she gently bumped her head to his; and he bumped back.

" And what would that mean, Neteyam? " Oh how, her voice makes the boy feel giddy with his name being spoken by her. He smiled and just rested his chin on her shoulder, she didn't seem to look uncomfortable so he continued.

" I'll let you ponder it over yourself. "

" No fair. Is it an insult? "

" Far from an insult. "

She turned to look at him, with a lazy but teasing smirk— oh, Arwani's now well affirmed that he's hitting on her. Did it really take an near misunderstood insult for her to figure it out; quite possibly.

He truly was pretty in her eyes, and she just turned forward and shook her head with a chuckle, " You're very much pretty. "

" You always say that, "

" Oh, I do. And I'll say it to you for millions of years with millions of lifetimes if I could, "

" Rather poetic aren't you? " He joked with his ear flinching in a shy manner, Arwani laughed shyly.

" Quite. " She stared at his eyes again, but he interrupts. " What is it with you and staring into my eyes? "

" They, my dear, is comparable to the beauty of the sun. The boy with golden suns for eyes and possess even more of a golden heart- oh, I'll explain your prettiness for later. " She effortless compliments him, like it was a second nature to her. It came so naturally to compare the boy behind her to very beautiful things.

" Exactly, show me how you think I'm pretty. " Shyly, but still sparking up the courage for his curiosity for her admiration in him was stronger.

" La. Ter. "

author's note,
— sorry I disappeared, I was having a hyperfixation crisis.

Anyways my take on their relationship, I'm just writing this to further explain it to myself but you can read it if you want. It's just something for me to realize and widen it more,

1) That they both stare at each other in admiration but both wonder why the other would stare like so, but because both of them are amazing people to the other who are good people yet they each can't really see it- they can't see that they're doing more than enough.

2) Having control of a situation brings comfort to Arwani and having Neteyam teach her archery for the second time is something new- that doesn't directly translate to that. More so, Arwani prefers to be in control of her emotions and Neteyam was now playing a role in them: sort of metaphor ( a fucking awful one at that ).

3) And the fact, Neteyam feels like a child with Arwani is pretty self-explanatory and why Neteyam admires Arwani would further be explored later. Summarizing this part, subconsciously, Arwani admires Neteyam because he sees her and Neteyam admires her because she sees him. Aww but eww this is soo basic but beautiful but still eww.

You can tell I get zero plays. Eww. Aww. Fuck. Anyways, anyone got good frodo Baggins fics to recommend? I'm my lotr era 🤪.


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