Pt 1: Revenge

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"Yo Barry!" I holler out. My voice echos through the tiny shack. The shack is temporary- it's just until I fly out of here, preferably as soon as possible. I'll be back home in no time.

"Rafe?" I hear Barry call back out to me. "Rafe you should come here."
"One sec." I say, trying to zip my suitcase shut.
"No, you'll wanna see this bro."
I'm busy, and Barry knows I'm busy... but he wouldn't call me unless it was important, so I grit my teeth, hold back my annoyance, and walk out of my tiny bedroom and into the living room.
Barry is standing in front of our small satellite TV.

"Barry, what do you want?"
He says nothing. His eyes are glued to the screen. I turn my attention to the TV... where I see...
Them. The exact people that got me in this god awful position. They're all standing in front of... in front of the house? The Cameron house? My fucking house?

I grab the remote and increase the volume. The headline reads "Local Teens Discover El Dorado."
"Shit..." Barry mutters.
The camera pans over each of them slowly. Their all smiling stupid, smug little smiles.
And then I see her.

She's standing next to that island chic wearing a long, yellow marbled dress. Her hair is in a loose messy ponytail.
Seeing her sparks something in me. Something raging, and animalistic. Something I know I can't control. She is the reason I'm here, not the Pogues. Just her.

"I'm coming for you, Kie, I promise." I mutter under my breath. It's been nearly two years since I saw those Pogues last. I've been hiding out, because I know one of them must've squealed about Peterkin, maybe even the gold.

If anyone did it was probably Sarah.

"Barry?" He looks at me sternly.
"We got plans to make, buddy."

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