The feathered woman was marching over and spoke in their language. Then she threw a bomb and the armored man sent it to Okoye who severed it and water exploded! It splashed onto Shuri, Riri and Viktoriya. Her hair now dropped down and hung over the back of Riri's head. Shuri became conscious and got up, removing her helmet. "OKOYE!" She cried out. Then she hurried over and blocked Riri and Viktoriya. "Wait!" She told them. And they stopped. Viktoriya watched. Shuri used her Kimoyo beads and had it translate to the people. She told them she is Princess Shuri of Wakanda. And they must take her and Riri to Namor. But bring both of them no harm. The beads translated to them. "Shuri." Viktoriya said. The man spoke to the woman in their language. Then he gave her, his axe and he turned to Shuri. He spoke and her beads translated. "What about the wild woman?" He asked. Shuri turned to Viktoriya, then went closer. "You stay here. Okay? You. Stay." She told her and gave her Kimoyo beads. "You see anyone you can trust that's of ours, you give them this." She said. "But tell no one else, a thing." Shuri told her. Viktoriya slowly stood and walked backwards, towards the car. Shuri turned back to the armored man. He took his mouthpiece off then gently laced it onto her mouth and nose.

They took Shuri and Riri. Putting a mask on her as well. And riding off on the back of the whale. Viktoriya sat down by the edge of the bridge and the car. By daylight, finally, authorities came. She still sat by the car and others tried to get her to move and speak. She did nothing of the sort.  They tried to take her hand with the beads in it and she broke the man's wrist. After that, the authorities backed off. Two other vehicles showed up. SUV's. One was smaller, and a Toyota. The other was larger and a Lexus. Everett Ross got out of the Toyota, and began to approach an Agent. "Hey. Can you tell me anything? Are there any witnesses?" He asked the Agent. "Just one. But she won't move or speak, and broke a man's wrist who tried to make her move." He told him. "She's white though so she can't be Wakandan." He said. "Wh...why would you say that? Wakandan?" Everett asked. "It's who did this." The Agent replied. "Who...made that call?" Everett asked. The man gestured to the larger SUV. "She did." He said.

Valentina Allegra De Fontaine exited the Lexus, all in black but it was high heels, tights, a dress with belt, blazer jacket and gloves. She wore sunglasses and her hair was down. With a purple streak in the front. She approached Everett and the Agent. Then the two of them began to walk down the bridge to the accident scene. "Director Fontaine." Everett said to her. "Really?" She asked. "Well, that's how you'd like to be addressed. Isn't it?" He asked her. "Yes, but from you it could be different." She said. She checked him out. "You're looking good." She told him. "Thank you. I try." He replied. "Put that home gym in?" She asked. "Yes I did." He replied, still being professional. "Maybe I'll stop by and jump on your Pelaton." She told him. He felt a bit of awkwardness after that. "Special Agent in Charge." An agent said and offered his hand to shake, to Valentina. "Good for you. Do you wanna walk me through the evidence here or what?" She asked him. "Uh...yeah! Sure." He said and dropped his hand. "Well, we have an accident that happened. Involving a car and a bike. There's everything strewn about and we have one single witness here with a few cuts but no one can touch her." He said. "I'll try." Valentina said. "If! I may?" Everett interrupted. "Oh! Please do. I'd love to see how this plays out." She said, and crossed her arms, resting her palms into her elbows.

Everett gave a nod and headed cautiously to the back of the car. Not seeing who was on the other side of it just yet. Agents watched intensely. He went to the back corner of the car and he saw Viktoriya. "Oh. It's you." He said. He began to slowly approach her. She watched him. "I'm only keeping up appearance. I hope I can relax around you." He whispered. She nodded. "You are...friend." She whispered. "Yes. Yes I am." He spoke quietly. He crouched by her. "Can you tell me what happened? Truly?" He asked her quietly. "We were attacked. By water people." She told him. "Okay. Well, come with me. I'll keep you safe until we find them." He said. He brought her up to stand and she held him in a hug. "Oh! Okay. So we're there now. Alright." He said and hugged her. She put the beads into his pocket. "I give you beads. In pocket." She whispered. "Understood." He whispered back. Then she let go of him and he let go of her. Then gave a nod. He gestured for her to walk on and towards Valentina and the Agent. "I think you should use him more often for taming wild people." The Agent said. Then chuckled. They walked over and the Agent kept his clipboard to his chest. "Is she friendly now?" The Agent asked. "" Everett said. "Oooh. Girl, you look MEAN. I bet I could use you more than him." Valentina said. Viktoriya stood steady. And she looked mean, at her. "Sorry. She's not going to be working for you. And she's just been through an ordeal. She needs some time." Everett said and began to walk on, with Viktoriya. "That woman..." Viktoriya spoke, but was interrupted. "Actually! Ross, do you have a full tank of gas? Can you give me a ride to Langely?" She asked, and hurried along to catch up to them. "That's an eight-hour drive." He said to her. "Yeah! We can talk about the case, get to know this one more, and...I'd lime to apologize for a few things I said during our marriage." She told him. Everett was a bit shocked. Then he accepted. He opened the back door for Viktoriya and she got in.

Then he closed the door. "I'm surprised! Been through an accident and she willingly got into another vehicle." Valentina said and she got in on the passenger seat. "You had to have survived. Harder things than that." She said, as Everett got in and buckled in. She buckled in as well. "Didn't you have your seatbelt on in the accident?" She asked. Looking at her in the rear view mirror. Everett felt a little uncomfortable, then he started his SUV. Viktoriya took the seat belt from the middle and buckled herself in. "That's a good girl!" Valentina said. She smiled and watched ahead as Everett left the scene. "Does she talk much?" She asked. "Not as long as I've known her." Everett said. "So then how is she comfortable around you?" Valentina asked. "I guess I'm just someone who can quickly be trusted. I earned that, you know."
"I know. Because I know you. But you know who we don't know? Her back there. Don't even know her name."
"Her name is Viktoriya."
"Hhmmm. Russian."
"So that says a lot about her?"
"Yeah! She could be HYDRA. Or be a part of the Red Room. Or none of those things at all."
"What was Red Room?"
"An organization long time ago like HYDRA. But they trained super assassins. Like Black Widow and most recently recruited by me, Yelena Belova."
"It's also why I figured I could use her a lot more than you can. I'm making up a team. And her having some association with other women, would probably do her some good. She seems like a lost puppy or something."
"I don't...think she looks all THAT lost."
"Do you have somebody in your life, hon? Somebody you're missing right now? Do you have, a home?"
The cab was quiet.
"She doesn't really talk much, does she?"
"Well, you do, do plenty enough talking for all of us in here."
She looked at him, shocked. He smiled a bit. He had been waiting a long time to say that. Viktoriya glanced to him. A bit of pride came upon her. Then she looked to the floor and collected herself to be serious again.

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