Once the girls had picked out their books, Hermione took them over to the potions section. Both girls immediately sat down with their books, leaving Hermione free to browse without worrying they would wander off. She scanned the titles, pulling several promising looking ones down right away. They were Potions of the Night: For Sleep, Dreams, and Death, Potions Gone Wrong: Magical Mayhem, and Antidotes for Every Occasion. Hermione frantically thumbed through them, hoping to find some clue to help her out of this situation.

She was so engrossed in her task that she didn't see the blonde witch right away. It wasn't until the witch loudly exclaimed, "As I live and breathe, it's Hermione Granger!"

At the use of her last name, Hermione's head jerked up. "Yes?" she said hopefully. Her eyes met those of the blonde witch, and her face fell a bit. This was not someone she recognized from her old life, but the faint tugs of recognition plagued her and she knew that Hermione Malfoy knew this woman.

The woman beamed at Hermione. "Are you here to tell me you've decided to write another novel?" Excitement oozed out of her every word. She looked at Hermione eagerly. "Please tell me you are. After the wild success of your last few, your readers are just dying for more!"

Confusion filled Hermione. Novels? My readers? I...I've written a book? Shock was written across her face, and before she could answer, Naomi pipped up. "Mummy writes all the time!" she said proudly. The blonde witch turned to the little girl.

"Does she? I bet you're very proud of your mum, aren't you?" Naomi flashed the witch a brilliant smile and nodded. The blonde witch was now grinning ear to ear. "Will you sign my book, Mrs. Malfoy?"

Hermione started at the use of her Malfoy name. "Oh, of course," she stammered. The witch produced a book and a quill seemingly out of nowhere. Tentatively, Hermione took the book. It was titled Tower Hauntings, and seemed to be a mystery of some sort. Her eyes widened at the sight of her name, Hermione Granger, written across the front. Quickly she opened it to the first page and signed her name and a short message with the quill.

"There you go, and you must excuse me now, I have an appointment later and I must see to my purchases," Hermione said, handing the witch back her book and pushing her daughters through the crowd. She was still mulling over the strange fact that she was an author when she reached the counter and when she looked up, she gave a start. Right beside the counter was an enormous display with her picture on it and half a dozen rows of books. Open mouthed, she scanned the titles; Tower Hauntings, The Secret of the Third Floor Corridor, The Witch With No Name, Seeing Double, Secrets and Lies, and Unplottable. She reached out and picked up the last one and began reading the author biography. It read:

Hermione Granger, now Hermione Malfoy, is a recognized War Hero and acclaimed author of over eight books, six of which are her wildly popular mystery series and two academic works on Transfiguration and Ancient Runes, both of which were featured in The Wizarding World's New and Notable magazine. All of her books from her mystery series have made the Daily Prophet's bestseller list, with her latest title, Tower Hauntings, holding a record for longest best-selling novel at 12 weeks. Hermione lives with her husband, Draco Malfoy and their two daughters, Naomi and Evanna in Malfoy Manor, England.

Panic filled Hermione. What if this wasn't a dream? Everything seemed so real. What if she and Malfoy had just lost their memories somehow? But the odds of that were astronomical...

She was jolted from her panic induced reverie by the wizard at the register. "Are you ready to make your purchase, mam?" the wizard asked.

"Oh!" exclaimed Hermione, coming back to her senses. "Yes, I am," she answered, mustering up a smile for the wizard, who promptly dropped everything he was holding. "Mrs. Malfoy! I beg your pardon, I didn't realize it was you, if you would have notified me you were coming today I would have made sure the store was clear, I know how hectic it can be for you..." he trailed off, looking half fearful and half in awe of the witch before him. Hermione shook her head at this. She was completely astounded at the reactions she was getting today. Just what had happened in her life since her 5th year at Hogwarts?

"It's quite alright," Hermione assured him, "but if it is possible, I would like to purchase these books with credit towards my name. Can I do that?"

The wizard blinked for a moment, looking a bit stunned. "Uh, of course, Mrs. Malfoy. We know you're good for it." He smiled nervously.

"Good," said Hermione. "Please owl me the bill and I shall have the payment sent to you within the week." She assumed a bossy, no-nonsense tone. With the way this wizard was acting around her, she should have no problem getting her way. She wasn't disappointed. The wizard nodded profusely, totaled up the cost of the books, and sent Hermione and the girls on their way, thanking her generously for coming, and hoping to see her again soon.

"This is madness," muttered Hermione as they walked away. Naomi skipped along beside her, proudly swinging her Flourish and Blotts bag that carried her and Evanna's books. Evanna was starting to struggle in Hermione's arms. "Do you want down, dear?" Hermione asked, secretly hoping she would say yes. Her arms were beginning to get tired. Carrying a child around was nothing like lugging a heavy bag of books around.

"Hungry!" said Evanna, looking at Hermione expectantly. Naomi looked up at Hermione and her sister at this pronouncement, interest written across her face.

"How about we go get some ice cream?" Hermione said brightly. Both girls squealed in delight at this. "Ice cream it is, then," said Hermione with amusement. It was getting near noon, so Hermione hurried the girls along towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. If Harry and Ron had gotten her letters, they should be there soon!

The group made their way towards the famous ice cream shop, the little girls skipping with excitement, and Hermione full of nerves. She had no idea what her friends would say to her, especially since she was married to Malfoy. For a moment she wondered if either of them had woken up married and if they would be just as confused as she was. If they had married, it couldn't be worse than who she had ended up with. Hermione wrinkled her nose in distaste as she thought of the arrogant blond man with whom she now shared a last name.

"I want vanilla with sprinkles!" announced Naomi loudly as the colorful shop came into view.

"Vanna, do you want vanilla and sprinkles too?" asked Hermione, smiling at the wide eyed child. Evanna nodded. "Prinkles," she said.

Hermione nodded, "Yes, we'll get you sprinkles, dear." Both girls grinned in satisfaction and Hermione shook her head fondly at them. They were so adorable. A pang filled her chest, and Hermione was saddened to think she would lose them once this was all over. Them and this baby inside me, she thought, suddenly remembering the life she carried. She turned to the girls. "Now girls, you stick close to me while I order our ice cream, okay, and remember your manners. I don't want..."

All the words in Hermione's mind died as she caught sight of a familiar head of red hair. "Ron!" she cried and launched her herself and the girls through the crowd to throw her arms around him.

Heyo peeps, I haven't posted in a while so today I'm going to post 2 chapters ✨.
Enjoy don't forget to vote, follow and comment 💕

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