eternal suns (OS)

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to my bestie, soulmate and everything, Anna❤️

this is my poor try to be a writer and translater (almost 90% of the text was translated by a translate, aahhajsjs). basically: I read a article where Roger said that one of his favorite songs are God Bless The Child and boom! An idea come and I just wrote.

when i wrote this i was very inspired by the work of -saturnss and -starsailor. Very sorry for this poor imitation, hajnajsjsjs. You are an incredible writer!!!

and remember: the sun will rise another day! (yeap, this is a Pearl Jam quote, wjjajsnsjsa).

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God Bless The Child - Billie Holliday 

All Of Me - Billie Holliday.

Stardust - Lester Young with The Oscar Peterson Trio 

When you knocked on the door I knew it was you. It's a habit you had acquired as a child, hoping your mother wasn't crying because life as a single mother is difficult. All your clothes are black. I thought it had always been like this, but I found an old magazine where you, Nick, Rick and Syd dressed in colorful and extravagant fabrics. I asked you what happened to a glamorous faux fur coat and you replied that you had burned it. I look at your hands before I look into your eyes. They are long and sharp and I like how the veins tighten and protrude when you make any insignificant movement. You hold a vinyl in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

You always feel a little uncomfortable when you walk into my apartment. Going your home is not always an option, besides it is too far away. You tell me you can always pay me for a taxi. The place is small and you are very tall. You move around the place, not knowing what to do. I took pity on you and took you by the hand and led us to the kitchen. I like that you interlock our fingers even if you know the road will be short. A strange feeling grows in my chest when I have to let you go. You are still restrained, and I give you the unnecessary permission to go to one of the cupboards and take a glasses.

"It's pinot noir. You'll like it."

I doubt it and I tell you and you look haughtily at me. You ignored my words and serve. I take out the oven the blueberry cake I made for you. The sun kisses your chocolate hair. You still feel too restrained to look me in the eye.

But I know you will. I wait. Anyway, we haven't known each other for a long time.

I asked you the second time we saw each other if you believed in the fate and you told me I was crazy. I told you that there are coincidences that are too accurate.

"And do you think that the fact that you and I knew each other is one of those?"

Yes, I believed it. That I couldn't stop thinking about you. That I waited to meet someone like you for a long time. That the fact you were so far from me bothered me, even though you were just eating a peach leaning against on the trunk of the tree you took it. That you were beautiful and I was dazzled by you. It was the second time we saw each other and I said all that. You just smiled. What a strange smile. It was wonderful. Then you came closer and kissed me. You told me that you would not go to that park with me anymore, that maybe the smell of the peach makes me a little crazy.

The cake smells delicious and I let it cool. You pass me a glass of wine. In the streets a man shouts that he sells bracelets. If you weren't here, I'd out and buy him one. But you're here, drinking wine and look at me. There it is. I know people who stand out only by their eyes. You stand out for all of you. The green of your eyes match your clothes, your hair and your skin flushed. The liquid is in your mouth, your taste buds feel it, your eyes shrink a little, your lips contract soften, the liquid goes down your throat, that slight burning fills you, you breathe finally.

eternal suns ✵ roger waters (english)Where stories live. Discover now