Ch-28 feeling someting? ❤️

Start from the beginning



I step out of my thoughts to look at John, a grimace on his face as he puts his almost empty cup to the side

"No" he answers meekly

He laughs bitterly a second after

"You really think she would wanna look at a monster like me?"


"She's not as mad as you think she is." I shuffle into the couch, carefully watching his expressions

"Ha, she even threatend to chop my leg off after she heard the story"

"she heard the-!?" He shoots up and collapses back down into the couch a second after, looking more defeated than before

his eyes widen, and his head shoots down

"You're lying to me. Arlo." A desperate tone with his eyes shot wide, as if he's fighting something in the depths of this heart

John, what are you thinking right now? what's going on inside your head?

"Is this another one of your fucking schemes?" He grits his teeth and glares daggers into me, though its nowhere near as it was turf wars

"She's worried about you, Of course she's a bit angry but I highly doubt its beyond repairing"

"You should talk to her." I talk over the sound of the tv in the background

Silence..He doesnt utter a word

God what am I doing? playing therapist and cupid for two god tiers?

"Mmm." He answers after a minute, with glossy eyes and a bitten down lip he puts his focus back on the tv, though he still has that distant look.

I try to avert my gaze but cant help but stare. Aside from his teary eyes his lips look chapped.. and a soft blush on his finger tips and nose, is it really that cold?

The cushions shuffle under me as I rise

The sudden motion leaving johns eyes wide once again staring up at me from the other side of the couch

I step out of the room and reemerge with a large grey blanket, making no delay to throw it over his head.

He flinches hard in response

I plop down right back into the cushions beside him, grabbing his face and putting my hand over his head

His fever went down in record time, almost as if it wasn't there in the first place, it makes me wonder if he's really human sometimes or some outer dimension creature. If he was it would honestly explain a lot.

an alien maybe?

My gaze doesn't falter from the alien though, huddled up in the blanket gaze on the tv


I stare back to the tv, I've long gotten over trying to suppress the questionable thoughts, not that ill make any attempt to dig into them deeper though. maybe another day.

I sigh

A soft blanket slips over my shoulders

I look to the side to see john staring dead into my eyes


Johns POV

"Hey. what are we?" I ask, gaze not leaving the tv

I can feel his eyes staring holes into me, but I refuse to look

"That's a good question." He answers back, voice as cocky and cold as ever

"Enemies" He answers after a moment of thought, something shaky in his voice

"Enemies that agree to work together under conditions" He continues the statement eyes still focused on whatever is airing on the tv currently

I sigh, expression not wavering for a second

I twist to face him in the couch, watching him before he realizes and turns to face me aswell

"So enemies have hour long make-out sessions?" I grin bitterly, eyes wincing as I do

He almost drops his mug

"You know. we almost fucked on this same couch." I bring a knee to my chest, leaving the other on the cold wooden planks still staring him dead in the eye

His eyes are wide with confusion, mouth agape, a very not-subtle pink on his cheeks

The bitch still doesnt utter a word


"Hah..You must have a reallyyy interesting definition of enemies.. fucker." I cut him off


I relax back into the couch. staring into the tv again not even registering whats on it, or what im supposed to be hearing, the only thing reaching my ears is my heart beat, which is surprisingly calm at the moment

I can still feel his eyes on me


"What if we were something more than friends?" I question

I dont turn away from the tv

Its silent, nothing but the sound of my heart beat and the tv which somehow seems quieter than it in the room

I bite my lip and get up from the couch in one swift motion, heading straight to the door the planks creaking loudly under me with each step

Its not like he wouldve reciprocated so whyd I have to go and say that?I can barely remember the night anyways..

I shouldve just kept my fucking mouth shut--

I reach the door only to be grabbed by the arm and spun into something like to a concrete wall, my head spins

I feel cold hands wrap around me tightly with an unwavering grip.

The floral scent of shampoo hits my nose

My heart flutters


(And with that..s1 is done!)

(Geez..what a wild ride..Thanks for the endless support, and I hope you'll continue to support me when s2 finally comes out as well!)

(See you guys in a month or two, peace!!😼 )

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