"Yeah" He playfully claimed.


"To apologize"

"Well you're forgiven. Bye now."

"Wait, wait, Don't hang up."

While still on the line she motioned for her friend to check outside the glass door. She returned her attention to the phone.

"I want to talk to you for a second." He kept on changing his position, trying to catch a glipes of the brunette.

"Don't they got a billion numbers for that? Bye"

*Click!* She returned the portable to its original spot. "That guy gave off major stalker vibes."

"Maybe I should answer it if he calls again."

"I don't know." She looked around. "I'll start popping the popcorn." Casey shrugged her shoulders and went to the living room. Vic got the Popcorn sizzle, placing it on the stove.

*Ring, ring*

"Again..." she muttered under her breath. "Really?" This time she didn't try to mask anything.

"Why don't you want to talk to me?"

"Who is this?"

"You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah sure" then continued to shake to popcorn.

"What that noise?"


"You're making popcorn?"


"I only eat popcorn at the movies" this information made him even more frustrated. Cause correction, THEY only ear popcorn at the movies, together.

"Well my family and I are getting ready to watch a movie."

The caller laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, just, what movie?"

She somewhat got interested. "Just some scary movie."

"Really? Do you like scary movies?"

"Of course"

"What's your favorite scary movie?" He asked with a cocky smile already knowing this answer.

The girl moved from the stove and took a seat on the counter. She quickly looked out the glass door before answering. This made him happy. "Prom Night." She answered brightly.

His smirk grew wider. "That one movie from the 70's, right?"

"Yeah! But I don't know how to feel about the second one, kinda ruins the significance of the first one. What's your favorite?"


"Nightmare on elms street."

"Huh. That was the guy that had knives for fingers?"

"Yes. Freddy Krueger."

"Yeah Freddy-that's right. I liked that movie. It was scary."

"The first one, then they fucked up the rest."

"So you got a boyfriend?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I don't know, do you got a boyfriend?"


"You know, you never told me your name."

The distorting feeling returned. "Why do you want to know my name?..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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