02: That red haired boy

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While I was staring at him while my blood boil someone tapped me in my shoulder .

Yahh Lisa it's lunch time already and why are you look at taeyong"Eunha  said while whining.

So his names taeyong.

Why did you do something to him or he did something to you"she said as her eyes grew big.

Ahh- noo I accidentally bumped him or he bumped me I guess" I said while scratching my head.

No Lisa why did you do that he's the most popular and respected in the campus you don't want to have trouble's with him"she said with a pout.

He's popular here that's why he have that attitude.

Well it's not my fault that I bumped him"I said

Forget it let's just eat already"Eunha said while digging in


After a while listening Mrs. Park's lesson the bell suddenly ringged everyone was tidying ther bags and ready to go.

We'll continue this lesson Tomorrow " Mrs. Park said while leaving.

Eunha came up to and suggest to go to the mall. And I agreed who wouldn't agree.

When we got to the mall Eunha already got her wallet in her hand. Geez she must be Rich Rich.

Let's go there Lisa there's some cute things there" she said as she dragged me .

After some shopping We finally camed home.She dropped me on my house as she walked by herself.

I opened the door and seen my brother there.

I immediately hugged him and kiss him on the cheeks as a sign of respect

Lili I'm home!"he said.

Ten lee I missed you so much" i said while crying.

Don't cry Lili I'm here so where gonna be happy" he said wiping my tears that makes me smile.

We got on the table to eat. We stayed there for two hours talking.

Lili you should go to bed now we have school tomorrow and I'll just wash the dishes " he said with a smile

Goodnight Lili"he said yelling softly.

As I tuck in myself on my bed I suddenly thinked of taeyong...

I admit he's kind of handsome and cute

Am I falling I love with him...

No no Lisa you're not a fool to fall in love with a jerk like him.

I slowly closed my eyes and falled asleep.


Waking up by the sounds of my alarm, the cooking oil splattering is annoying.

Yahh! Lisa wake up or your gonna be late, I'm all ready now" Ten said with a bothered face.

I immediately stand up got my towel and headed to the shower.

I finish showering and did my face and pick my outfit for today.

I Grabbed my bag and camed downstairs.

Lalisa it took you forever to dress up ,
Here eat up we're gonna be late" he said.

I stuffed some food on my mouth and said ready to go.

Ten grabbed his backpack and started the engine of the car and drove off.

We got to the school of course ten reunited with his friends while I headed to my class room to set up my things.

Eunha was there on her phone because she got a boyfriend.

Taeyong is there also looking so handsome and gorgeous.

Lisa why are you minding him.

Am really falling I love with him....


Is Lisa gonna fall in love with taeyong stay tuned for the next chapter 😊

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