And Then There Were Two

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|| 𝒮𝓉𝑒𝓋𝑒 & 𝒥𝑜𝑒'𝓈 ℛ𝑒𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 ||

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"I got it Rob, just take off. Enjoy a date or a movie or somethin'." Eddie stated more so demanded as he removes his jacket. Rob wasn't going to go anywhere, she would take advantage of every single moment she could have with JoJo.

"Umm, no Edward, I'm staying but you could see your way out .. this is my time with my niece."

"Ok guys, settle down! You both have your heart set on watching JoJo, we're sorry about the mix up! Joseph should've maybe checked with me before asking Eddie to watch JoJo."

"I asked as soon as you said we needed a sitter and did state Eddie had agreed, sooo not sure how this is my fault pumpkin."

"I didn't say it was darling, I said you should've checked with me."

"Right! I did, hence by saying Eddie agreed to watch G so we're good! Again, not sure how this falls on me." he was being animated with his hands as he spoke.

Everyone was at each others throats when JoJo came out giggle at the commotion of bickering.

"Hi!" she chipred, we ALL collectively stopped our griping and turned with a smile

"Hi; princess, G, Jojo, child." we all turned to Rob!
"Really Rob, child!"

"Little being?" she added

"See this is why, my princess Arwen is better off with uncky Eddie cuz I would never just brand her child."

"I don't have a nickname for her ok, I'm a bad aunt now?"

"Ok, this isn't helping" I kneel down making grabby hands at Jojo

"Honey! Daddies are going to go out, who would you like to stay with you Uncky Eddie or Aunty Robbie."
I know it wasn't the best way by having her choose but.

"I want daddy!" Well poop, I told myself. Scratching my head I looked over at Joe who wasn't too thrilled with me.

"I'll stay, you go out. Take the evening to unwind. I know you need it."

I really did need it, work was kicking my rear and I think this was why Joe and I were at each other necks more. But the point was for "us" to go.

"No darling, "we're" going out! Eddie and Rob! We leave Jojo in your hands."

lifting my angel up into my arms
"You'll be a good girl for your uncky and auntie right." she nodded "pwomise."

Joe takes her next, swinging her around, blowing raspberries into her tummy. "Behave monster or else."

she chuckled and squirmed, he had this way of treating her as not a delicate, fragile angel. He tossed her over to Eddie and she screamed in delight. Of course Eddie caught her but that didn't stop myself or Rob from letting out a screeching sound

They both looked over at us as if saying "what".

"Ok princess, say goodbye to daddies. Tell 'em to take their time and have fun and shiii... chips!"

Fatherhood Woooahs Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ