Chapter 5- Holidays

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Hey! A little time gone forward to 'Nada's Winter break! (For fellow aussie's it's like your summer break but shorter) I'm sorry- but I know you'll enjoy this! Thank you- and enjoy!

Canada pov

"Dada- where's mama? I can't find her anywhere!"

"Dear- she needs to go to the hospital more often- her stomach bug is getting worse-"

"No dad.. what if she d-d-" Tears welled up in my eyes, making me want to die. I couldn't hold it- I escaped to mine and Ame's room and jumped onto my bed. Before I knew it my pillow was soaked with tears.


"Canada- you OK?" I heard a muffled America voice from beside my bed. Still with my face stuffed into my pillow I answered, "Will mama ever come back?" I asked him, ignoring his question. 

"Oh Nada-" He said- as if the thought never occured to him.  I lightly peeked from my tear-soaked pillow, and saw tears streaming down his face. Before I knew it, we were crying together on my bed, tight in embrace.


(alert more time forward!)

I shot up from my bed with excitement, even though my legs were dead from hockey practice. I forced myself to climb the steps to America's bunk. "It's Christmas! C'est Noel!!" I chirped to him excitedly. My feet resisted the urge to zoom to the tree.

"Huh-what? Nada- I don't understand French, 'member?" My brother said lazily.

"Murica! Don't you know- It's present day!" I whispered to him. My brother perked up at the word 'present'.  

"Then let's go!!!" He screeched happily, sitting up at looking at me with a glimmer of excitment in his eyes. We both ran out of our room and zoomed into the living room.

Dad was there smiling at us merrily than ever before while reading a book. I scanned the Christmas tree for a quick moment, and I noticed how much fewer presents there were. 

"Dad, where are the presents we gave to-" I looked at him in the eyes.

"Come into the car with me- the presents are in there too," His eyes gleamed proudly. What had  happened? 

I got into the car, with America already inside, looking out the window. I looked out too, as dad reversed the car out of our small driveway. I saw a bird fly across the rooftops, and land. It looked at me, straight into my eyes.

Dad suddenly stopped and I looked out of the window once more. What I saw was a great big white building with a big sign that read, Hospital. I shivered, thinking of all the stories ame told me. 

Hey yall! Long chapter and this took me awhle to write considering how busy I am, soooooo hope you like it! Make sure to guess why they were going into the hospital and why Britain looked really happy!! Eeeeeeee gtg write the next chapter so cya there!!!!!


Last Life: Countryhumansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें