Start from the beginning

"Didn't they trust me?" Her voice was not of anger anymore, but more childlike, she felt her parents had betrayed her trust with this clause.

"They did, but they wanted you to be happy as well, to find someone who makes you smile. After Miss Somi ended things between you two, you closed yourself to the world and devoted yourself to the company. Your mother was very worried for you Miss Jennie, you stopped living your life and just focused on the survival of the company, nothing else mattered to you." Ji-yong followed Jennie and rested his big hand over her slender shoulder. "Their last wish for you is to live, Jennie. To live a life with a good woman that makes you smile again, not to rule a company."

"Even when they knew that Chae-rin was the second shareholder to succeed them? She doesn't love this enterprise, she just wants money and power." Jennie looked at the navy blue carpet where she stood, her black polished shoes contrasted with the soft carpet underneath her.

"Yes, they rather see Chae-rin in control than to lose their only daughter to her job. So go out and live Jennie, find love and then you can come back to take what is rightfully yours." Those were the last words of Ji-yong before he excused himself and went to continue his work.

Jennie felt completely desolated, heartbroken, she didn't understand her parents at all. They prepared her for this life and now they were telling her that she has to marry in order to manage her own company? She clearly needed a drink and friends. But which friends? She could call Anya, even Lincoln, they were pretty tight and they would back her up, but what Jennie needed right now was someone who could soothe her, someone who could offer her inner peace, and there was only one person capable of doing that.

Jennie pulled out her cellphone from the pocket of her grey slacks; she pushed her key code and accessed her contact list. She made a call and waited until the voice that always offered comfort to her answered her phone.

"I need you." Jennie told as soon as her best friend picked up her phone.


Lisa was pacing in her downtown small apartment; as soon as Jennie called her and heard her sad voice she knew something had gone wrong at that meeting. She tried to calm herself down, if her friend found her like this she wasn't going to be of any help to Jennie. Instead she went to the fridge and took out a bottle of rum and poured herself a glass.

Lisa went to the couch and sat in the comfy piece of furniture, she took a swig and the burn in her throat made her feel warmer, more at ease. At her right, on the coffee table was a portrait of one of the amazing summer vacations she ever had.

A small smile appeared instantly on her face; Lisa took the portrait and looked at her much younger self. The blonde hair was tamed in a bun and her white teeth smile was big, her blue eyes were wide open as the girl beside her tickled her ribs and her baby fat cheeks were so full, Jennie always made fun of her for that.

The brunette had her chestnut curls loose and the wind blew them away from her face, her high cheeks were a bit pink and her tight lip smile was spread lazily on her face, the green of her eyes were focused in Lisa's face, her scrawny build made her legs look a mile longer even though Jennie was just an inch taller than her.

Jennie was 14 at the time and Lisa was 12. They had gone to Mount Weather with their families for vacations and Lisa remembered how she thought she was going to get bored, but Abby and Jake insisted that the mountain was going to be a good change of scenery for her.

How they have been right, that's where she met Jennie for the first time and since then they became the best friends forever.

They told each other everything, from their teen crushes to their favorite subjects in school, they talked about their particular circle of friends and joked with each other. They shared clothes, at least while they were young, since Jennie grew a taller a bit more and Lisa developed wider hips and a fuller bosom than Jennie as they grew up. Still, that didn't stop them from sharing their pj's for their Saturday night sleepovers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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